Coronavirus (COVID-19): Scotland's autumn/winter vaccination strategy 2021

Strategy outlining our progress on COVID-19 vaccinations and plans for COVID-19 and seasonal influenza (flu) vaccinations in autumn and winter 2021 to 2022 in Scotland.

11. Learning and adaptive programming

We have continuously adapted our vaccination programme and incorporated our experience and learning into our planning and delivery, regularly seeking feedback from key stakeholders.

We continue to improve our delivery models, data intelligence and digital platforms, to ensure that we adapt our services to the evolving demands.

We have built resilience in our national and local systems and processes to ensure that we are as well prepared as we can be to deal with any future pandemic.

This autumn and winter, building upon the increased capacity for mass vaccination achieved through the current programme, we plan delivery of COVID-19 vaccinations, and COVID-19 booster doses alongside annual flu vaccination ensuring that the impact of the potential circulation of flu and COVID-19 is kept to an absolute minimum.

Based on the success and good practices of the COVID-19 programme, we will continue to improve, build and adapt the vital resources to deliver the future vaccination programme, prioritising the most vulnerable in our society and seeking to protect the NHS and social care as much as possible.

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