Scotland's Baby Box pilot: qualitative research

Qualitative research by Ipsos MORI to inform the development and roll-out of the Baby Box scheme in Scotland.

Appendix A - Topic guides

Parents topic guide

Introductions (5 minutes)

  • Thanks for agreeing to speak to us
  • Introduce self, Ipsos MORI, the research (on behalf of Scottish Government, to inform future development and roll out of the Baby Box scheme). Speaking to parents across both pilot areas - your views key to improving the scheme for others.
  • No right or wrong answers - just interested in your views
  • Confidentiality - won't use any names in reports - any quotes will be anonymous. F2F interviews only: If you agree, would like to take some photos of your box and how you're using it. We might use these photos in reports/presentations, but again only if you agree - we do not have to take any photos. If Happy With Photos, Ask Them To Sign Consent Sheet
  • Recording interview - for Ipsos MORI use only, will be securely stored and deleted after project. Check consent to record?
  • Duration of interview (check how long they have available). If any questions you don't want to answer, or if you want to take a break, that's fine - just let me know
  • Any questions?

About the participant

  • Just to start off with can you tell me a little bit about yourself
    • How old are you?
    • Who else do you live with? (note relationships + age of other children)
    • Are you working/on maternity leave from a job at the moment? IF RELEVANT: what about your husband/partner?
    • When was your baby born / is your baby due?

Finding out about the baby box (5-10 minutes)

We want to find out:

  • how/what they first heard about the box
  • what information they received from the midwife about it and how this could be improved
  • whether knowing they were getting the box affected their planned purchases for their baby.

First hearing about the box

  • When they first heard about it? From what source (media, word of mouth, midwife, etc.)? What they heard?
  • What they thought about the scheme when they first heard about it and why? What did they think it would / would not include? What were their expectations about quality?
  • What did they think the aim of the scheme was?

Information from the midwife

  • (when) did their midwife first mention the box (i.e. what stage of pregnancy)? Was this the right time to hear about it from them?
  • What information did they give them? What format (written / verbal / demonstrations of how to use the box/its contents)?
  • How useful was this information? How could it be improved? What else would they have liked to know in advance of getting the box?

Impact of box on plans

  • Did knowing they were getting the box affect what they bought in advance of having their baby? If yes - how?
  • Anything in the box they would not have bought themselves otherwise?
  • Anything extra they bought / got as a result of getting the baby box (e.g. because saved money on contents or because box gave ideas of things they might need)?

Registering for and receiving the baby box (5-10 minutes)

We want to find out:

  • any issues with/improvements to the process of registering for the box
  • any issues around delivery of the box

Registering for the box (if relevant: check whether they had to register)

  • What do they remember about the process of registering for the box? When did they do this? How easy or difficult was it?
  • Anything that was unclear / could be improved about the form and/or process?
  • If they could have registered directly (rather than via their midwife), would they have preferred this?

Delivery of the box

  • At what stage in their pregnancy did they receive the box? Would there have been a better time?
  • (How) was delivery arranged? Did they know in advance when the box would arrive?
  • Did it arrive when they expected it? In good condition?
  • Any problems with delivery / suggestions for how to improve the process?

Using the box (20-30 minutes)

We want to find out:

  • In detail, how the box itself and its contents are / are not being used
  • And why (for anything not being used)
  • And what impact, if any, box and contents have had on parental behaviours

Frame questions as present/future tense depending on whether had the baby yet

For F2F interviews - ask them to show you the box itself, and ask where they're keeping things like the books, play mat etc. If consent to do so, take photos.

  • First impressions - What did they think when they first got the box? Initial views of contents/quality? Anything in it they were not expecting? Anything missing?
  • Use of the box itself - are they / do they plan to use the box for sleeping? When (e.g. naps / night time?)? Where (i.e. in their room / nursery / elsewhere in house)?
    • If using for sleeping - probe around what would have done without the box? Where would baby have slept for naps / night time? What do they think they'll us it for once baby is too big to sleep in it?
    • If not using for sleeping - probe fully around why not? What use it for instead?
  • General usefulness of the contents - most / least useful / used items? Any they have not used? Why not? Anything that would make them more useable / useful?
  • Use of individual contents - run through sections on right and ask whether they've used, how often, what think of quality, how could be improved?
  • Other people's views - what do friends / family think about the box? Probe around what they've said about individual elements - e.g. what do they think about using the box for sleeping?
  • Possible impacts on attachment/interaction - probe in detail around how they've used books and play mat. E.g.
    • Have they read the book with their baby? Did they have other baby books before getting this? Did they plan to read to their baby before getting the box?
    • Have they looked at the PlayTalkRead book? Have they tried any of the ideas? What did they think of these? Were they things they would have done without getting this from the baby box?
    • Have they used the play mat? Would they have bought / used a play mat otherwise?
    • Had they heard of Bookbug before? Do they think they might attend bookbug sessions? Why / why not?
  • Possible impacts on parents' knowledge - anything in the box they wouldn't have thought about getting otherwise? Probe for details. Anything they've learned about that they didn't know already from the box and / or its contents? Would they have liked any further information?
  • Why do they think the scheme includes a box for sleeping? Had they heard much about how babies should sleep beforehand? (Probe around where get info about this / whether learned anything from baby box)?

Box contents:

  • Box itself + mattress, fitted sheets & mattress protector
  • Newborn Clothes - mittens, 3 short-sleeved body suits. 3 long-sleeved sleep suits with mitts, wrap around body suit
  • 0-3 month clothes - hat, 3 long-sleeved bodysuits, romper suit, footed leggings, jersey trousers, 2 pairs socks, 3 sleepsuits.
  • 3-6 month clothes - 2 jersey trousers, 2 pairs socks, 2 long-sleeved bodysuits, footed leggings, day suit, fleece hoodie, pram suit.
  • Toiletries/medical - bath thermometer, ear and forehead thermometer, sponge, emery boards
  • Changing - reusable nappies/liners, changing mat
  • Mother/parents - nursing pads, maternity towels, condoms
  • Books - PlayTalkRead magic, Baby book, bookbug baby calendar
  • Other - PlayTalkRead playmat, 2 x cellular blankets, hooded towel, dribble bib, comforter, muslin cloths, soother.

Summing up and close (5 minutes)

  • Any other suggestions for improving the box, its contents, or the process for registering/receiving it?
  • Anything they'd add to it? (Prompt on breastfeeding support info/materials if not mentioned spontaneously)
  • Anything they'd leave out? If they had to pick 3 things to leave out of the box, what would they be? Anything else they'd change?
  • What difference, if any, has the scheme made to them? Probe - made any difference financially? In terms of their knowledge about what babies need? In any other way?

Thank, Sign Incentive Form, Check Photo Consent, Online Forum (End March/Start April) Consent And Close

Professionals topic guide

Interview aims:

  • Assess the information/guidance they received about the scheme - areas for improvement?
  • Understand when and how they are introducing the scheme to parents - identify best practice/areas for improvement
  • Identify any issues with the registration process
  • Explore their views of parents' engagement with the scheme and their own views of the box and its contents


  • Thanks for agreeing to speak to us
  • Introduce self, Ipsos MORI, the research (on behalf of Scottish Government, to inform future development and roll out of the Baby Box scheme). Speaking to parents, midwives and project managers/delivery staff across both pilot areas - your views key to improving the scheme before it's rolled out.
  • No right or wrong answers - just interested in your views and experiences
  • Confidentiality - won't use any names in reports - any quotes will be anonymous. However, appreciate that given only two pilot areas, guaranteeing complete anonymity of professionals can be difficult. So if there's anything you'd rather not be (anonymously) quoted on, just let us know.
  • Recording interview - for Ipsos MORI use only, will be securely stored and deleted after project. Check consent to record?
  • Duration of interview (check how long they have available)
  • If any questions you don't want to answer, or if you want to take a break, that's fine - just let me know
  • Any questions?

Information / guidance received about the scheme

We want to find out:

  • What information / guidance they received about the scheme and their role in it - any areas for improvement to this?
  • When did they first hear the scheme was going to be piloted in their area? From who? What were they told about it?
  • What other information did they get about the scheme in advance of the pilot? From who? In what format (written / verbal / training / demonstrations?)?
  • How clear / unclear were they about how the scheme would work and what their role would be? Anything else wanted / needed to know?

Introducing the baby box to parents

We want to find out:

  • When and how they are introducing the scheme to parents - identify best practice / areas for improvement
  • When do they first mention the scheme to parents (check whether will change as get further in to the pilot / roll out)? How do they introduce it? What information do they give them? How much detail?
  • When do they think is the ideal time to introduce the box? Why?
  • What further information do they give parents about the box? Probe - written, verbal, any demonstrations of how to use box / contents? When? How long do they spend giving parents information about the box / showing them how to use it?
  • How confident were they about their role in introducing the box to parents? Any issues around this? E.g. time taken, understanding of purpose/use of contents, etc.
  • What information do they think parents need to get the most out of the box?
  • What have they found works well / less well in introducing the box to parents?
  • Probe for anything that works well / less well for particular groups of parents (e.g. parents on lower incomes, parents with English as an additional language, younger parents, etc.)

Registration process

We want to find out:

  • Any issues with the registration process and how this could be improved
  • Understand that they currently have to fill in and return a registration form for parents to get the boxes.
  • How easy / difficult is this to complete? How could it be easier?
  • When are they generally filling it in? Is this the right point?
  • Anything else about the process of registering parents for their baby boxes that could be improved?

Parents' responses to the boxes

We want to find out:

  • Their views of parents' level of engagement with the scheme - any barriers to take-up / use?
  • How many, if any, parents have they been unable to register for a baby box?
  • Why? E.g. did they turn it down (why?) or were they unable to contact them to register them?
  • Any particular groups of parents who haven't registered?
  • Any barriers to take-up of the boxes? How could these be addressed?
  • How do parents respond when they introduce the box?
  • Probe for positives and negatives.
  • Any specific elements of the box parents are more or less positive / negative / sure about? Why?
  • Have they noticed any differences in responses between groups of parents? (e.g. parents on lower incomes, parents with EAL, younger parents, etc.)
  • Have they seen parents using the boxes on home visits yet? If yes - how are they using them?
  • Are they using the box for sleeping? If not, why not? What are the barriers? How could these be overcome?
  • Which of the contents do they appear to be using more / less? Why?
  • Any variation in how different groups of parents seem to be using the box?
  • Any other feedback from parents about how useful they're finding the box in practice?

Midwives' own views of the boxes

We want to find out:

  • Their own views of the boxes / their contents - areas for improvement
  • What do they think about the scheme as a whole?
  • Probe for positives and negatives
  • What do they see as the aims of the scheme? Any barriers in their area to these aims being met?
  • What do they think about the box itself and its contents?
  • Quality?
  • Appropriateness/usefulness? Anything they would leave out? Anything missing?
  • How could the scheme be improved?

Check Whether Happy To Be Anonymously Quoted In The Report
Thank And Close


Email: Dave Gorman

Phone: 0300 244 4000 – Central Enquiry Unit

The Scottish Government
St Andrew's House
Regent Road

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