
Scotland's biodiversity: a route map to 2020

This route map sets out the priority work needed to meet the international Aichi Targets for biodiversity and improve the state of nature in Scotland.

Organising and prioritising work

The 2020 Challenge for Scotland's Biodiversity set out Outcomes and Key Steps for each of its seven chapters. These can be met through taking six 'Big Steps for Nature'. Under each of these we have identified a suite of priority projects. These focus on delivering benefits for biodiversity on the ground - they are practical, collaborative and readily understood.

Six Big Steps for Nature

The six steps are as follows:

1. Ecosystem restoration - to reverse historical losses of habitats and ecosystems, to meet the Aichi target of restoring 15% of degraded ecosystems;

2. Investment in natural capital - to ensure the benefits which nature provides are better understood and appreciated, leading to better management of our renewable and non- renewable natural assets;

3. Quality greenspace for health and education benefits - to ensure that the majority of people derive increased benefits from contact with nature where they live and work;

4. Conserving wildlife in Scotland - to secure the future of priority habitats and species;

5. Sustainable management of land and freshwater - to ensure that environmental, social and economic elements are well balanced; and

6. Sustainable management of marine and coastal ecosystems - to secure a healthy balance between environmental, social and economic elements.

Priority projects

We have identified priority projects under each of the big steps, though some could sit under several of these. The projects require collaborative, partnership working, and are part of a rolling programme which will be updated regularly.


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