
Scotland's Budget: Draft Budget 2017-2018

The Scottish Government's draft spending plans for 2017 to 2018.

Chapter 14 Crown Office and Procurator Fiscal Service


The Crown Office and Procurator Fiscal Service ( COPFS) is the sole public prosecution authority in Scotland prosecuting cases independently, fairly and effectively in the public interest.

The Lord Advocate's position as head of the systems of criminal prosecution and investigation of deaths is enshrined in the Scotland Act and he exercises that responsibility independently of any other person.

Our purpose is to secure justice for the people of Scotland. We are committed to playing our part in making Scotland a safer place to live.


COPFS priorities are in line with the overarching justice vision of helping to create an inclusive and respectful society in which all people and communities live in safety and security with individual and collective rights being supported and disputes resolved fairly and swiftly.

In 2017-18 our priorities will be to:

  • prosecute complex, serious and organised crime and significant financial crime before the High Court and Sheriff and Jury courts;
  • take action to recover associated proceeds of crime;
  • prosecute hate crime, domestic abuse, stalking and sexual offending, all of which involve significant equalities issues for those who have protected characteristics across all sections of society;
  • continue to work with Police Scotland to implement a domestic abuse Standard Police Report as well as working together to improve our Joint Protocol to improve the quality of cases reported and lead to better informed decision-making;
  • meet the challenges arising from changes in the legal environment, including changes in the causes of crime, judicial decisions and planned legislation; and
  • implement the statutory 'milestone' charter developed under the Inquiries into Fatal Accidents and Sudden Deaths (Scotland) Act.

Table 14.01: Spending Plans (Level 2)

Level 2 2016-17 Draft

2017-18 Draft Budget £m
COPFS 112.5 113.5 111.1
Total COPFS 112.5 113.5 111.1
of which:
Resource DEL 108.9 109.9 107.5
Capital DEL 3.6 3.6 3.6
AME - - -

Table 14.02: Spending Plans (Level 2 real terms) at 2016-17 prices

Level 2 2016-17 Draft

2017-18 Draft Budget £m
COPFS 112.5 113.5 109.5
Total COPFS 112.5 113.5 109.5
of which:
Resource DEL 108.9 109.9 106.0
Capital DEL 3.6 3.6 3.5
AME - - -

Table 14.03: More Detailed Spending Plans (Level 3)

Level 3 2016-17 Draft

2017-18 Draft Budget £m
Staff Costs 72.4 73.4 72.3
Office Costs 3.9 3.9 3.9
Case Related 13.4 13.4 13.4
Centrally Managed Costs 19.2 19.2 17.9
Capital Expenditure 3.6 3.6 3.6
Total COPFS 112.5 113.5 111.1
of which:
Resource DEL 108.9 109.9 107.5
Capital DEL 3.6 3.6 3.6
AME - - -

What the budget does

The COPFS portfolio contributes to a safer and stronger Scotland. COPFS is proactive in prosecuting crime.

In 2017-18 we will:

  • prosecute crime and investigate deaths which require further investigation, including support to victims of crime, vulnerable witnesses and bereaved relatives;
  • use infrastructure expenditure to play a full part in delivering the 'Digital Strategy for Justice in Scotland';
  • develop our digital systems and processes to enhance the service we provide, increasing case-processing efficiency;
  • improve communications with victims and witnesses and facilitate compliance with relevant legislative requirements; and
  • incorporate our carbon management plan into our estates strategy in order to target work on reducing carbon emissions and deliver it in unison with our overall estate strategy.


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