
Scotland's Budget: Draft Budget 2017-2018

The Scottish Government's draft spending plans for 2017 to 2018.

Chapter 3 Portfolio Plans

This section of the document provides greater detail on the Draft Budget for 2017-18, for all portfolios. The Draft Budget for 2017-18 will, subject to Parliamentary consideration, form the basis of the Budget Bill 2017-18 which will be laid before the Scottish Parliament in January 2017.


Scotland's devolved Total Managed Expenditure ( TME) amounts to £38,048.2 million in 2017-18, including allocated Departmental Expenditure Limit ( DEL) budgets totalling £31,493.0 million.

Table 3.01 Total Proposed Spending Plans for 2017-18

2017-18 Draft Budget DEL




Total Managed
Health and Sport 12,717.8 408.1 13,125.9 100.0 13,225.9
Finance and the Constitution 172.5 2.0 174.5 3,406.4 3,580.9
Education and Skills 2,674.5 171.4 2,845.9 443.0 3,288.9
Justice 2,488.8 91.5 2,580.3 - 2,580.3
Economy, Jobs and Fair Work 246.9 137.7 384.6 - 384.6
Communities, Social Security and Equalities 6,991.4 1,485.1 8,476.5 2,605.8 11,082.3
Environment, Climate Change and Land Reform 164.2 142.8 307.0 - 307.0
Rural Economy and Connectivity 1,458.8 1,407.8 2,866.6 - 2,866.6
Culture, Tourism and External Affairs 292.8 32.0 324.8 - 324.8
Administration 179.5 13.1 192.6 - 192.6
Crown Office and Procurator Fiscal Service 107.5 3.6 111.1 - 111.1
Scottish Government 27,494.7 3,895.1 31,389.8 6,555.2 37,945.0
Scottish Parliament and Audit Scotland 102.0 1.2 103.2 - 103.2
Total Scotland 27,596.7 3,896.3 31,493.0 6,555.2 38,048.2

* DEL Capital includes Financial Transactions, details of which appear in relevant portfolio chapters.

All figures are in cash terms and are presented on a full resource basis, and include depreciation and impairment charges only where appropriate.

In order to manage our budgets between years, the Scottish Government will make use of the Budget Exchange Mechanism agreed with HM Treasury, whereby there is flexibility to carry forward underspends, within agreed limits, and draw them down the following year.

The proposed DEL capital budget reflects the Scottish Government's intention to utilise the borrowing powers available through the Scotland Act 2016 up to a maximum of £450 million. Given the variety of factors that impact on major projects, the capital programme will be proactively managed through the financial year.


In order to ensure a transparent like-for-like comparison with previous years, the Level 2 and 3 Tables throughout this document show the figures that were included in the Draft Budget 2016-17, restructured in line with the new Cabinet Secretary portfolio responsibilities announced by the First Minister in May 2016, and as updated for the Budget (Scotland) Act 2016 Amendment Regulations 2016 alongside the Draft Budget 2017-18 proposals.

In order to aid comparison with previously published spending plans, Annex D 'Comparison 2010-11 to 2017-18' provides a presentation based on the current Cabinet Secretary portfolio structure.


Real-terms figures have been calculated using the latest estimated GDP deflators published by HM Treasury of 1.5 per cent for 2017-18 (rounded).


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