
Scotland's Carbon Footprint 1998-2020

Estimates of Scotland's greenhouse gas emissions on a consumption basis for the period 1998 to 2020.

Scotland’s Carbon Footprint refers to estimates of Scotland’s greenhouse gas emissions on a consumption basis. This refers to greenhouse gas emissions which are associated with the spending of Scottish residents on goods and services, wherever in the world these emissions arise together with emissions directly generated by Scottish households, through private heating and motoring. These greenhouse gas emissions are often referred to as “consumption emissions” to distinguish them from estimates relating to the emissions “produced” within a country’s territory or economic sphere. Scotland’s Carbon Footprint is also sometimes referred to as it’s Consumption Based Account. Information on the different reporting bases can be found in the section Comparison of Scotland’s carbon footprint and its territorial emissions within this publication.

To find out what effect Scottish consumption has on greenhouse gas emissions we need to take into account where the goods we buy come from and their associated supply chains. More information on the methods used can be found in the section “How has Scotland’s Carbon Footprint been calculated?”

The carbon footprint of Scotland includes the six main greenhouse gases including carbon dioxide (CO2), methane (CH4), nitrous oxide (N2O) and fluorinated compounds (hydrofluorocarbons, perfluorocarbons and sulphur hexafluoride). Unless otherwise specified, these emissions are presented in this publication in units of million tonnes of carbon dioxide equivalent (MtCO2e) .

This statistical report meets the requirements under Section 37 of the Climate Change (Emissions Reduction Targets) (Scotland) Act 2019 and is used to inform the Scotland Performs National Indicator 47: Reduce Scotland’s Carbon Footprint

Scotland’s greenhouse gas emissions can be broken up into three main categories: emissions embedded in imported goods and services, those embedded in UK produced goods and services and those directly produced by Scottish residents, through activities such as heating and motoring. More information on these categories can be found in the section “Breakdown of Scotland’s Carbon Footprint 1998-2019”.


Whilst Scotland’s carbon footprint has fallen by 33.3 per cent between 1998 and 2020, equivalent greenhouse gas emissions on a territorial basis fell by 50.1 per cent over the same time period .


Scotland’s carbon dioxide footprint is measured on the same basis as the carbon footprint although it relates only to carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions. Scotland’s carbon dioxide footprint decreased by 31.0 per cent between 1998 and 2020 whilst also reaching its peak in 2007.

Since 1990, the UK’s economy has continued to shift from manufacturing to having a greater reliance upon the services sector. One of the consequences of this is that more of the goods we buy and use are now produced outside Scotland and the rest of the UK. The current data in this publication breaks down greenhouse gas emissions into those generated by households and businesses, those produced in the UK and imports from a number of global countries and regions.

Inherently the greenhouse gas emissions relating to the overseas production of imports to Scotland are not as easily measured as emissions generated within Scotland’s borders.  Trade represents the biggest challenge in constructing these statistics and will tend to be uncertain.  This challenge is common throughout official data on trade including the Scottish Input-Output tables ( ) which are an important input into the carbon footprint.   Consumption-based emissions rely on consistent territorial emissions data in addition to a wealth of national accounts and other related economic and trade data which go far beyond the typical requirements of a nation’s national accounts statistics (as laid out in the UN System of National Accounts). 

A further issue arises with the resolution of the trade data which do not provide full-traceability of the origin of components, raw materials and ultimately emissions embodied in goods and services consumed.  The limitations of national accounts statistics means that these trade-flows can only be represented in terms of relatively broad goods/service categories and average propensity to import from each third country.  This is a major limitation on the ultimate accuracy and quality of consumption-based measures, even if compiled using the best available methodologies and data. There are general conventions on how to perform these estimations, using shares of production based on financial data, but the results cannot be viewed as being as robust as the estimates of greenhouse gas emissions generated domestically.

The methodology and data for calculating these emissions resulting from imports have been revised since the last release. More information can be found in the revisions section of the publication.

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