
Scotland's circular economy and waste route map to 2030

Sets out an ambitious plan to deliver 11 priority actions that will help us maximise progress towards a circular economy. It is the product of extensive collaboration and engagement with consistently high levels of support since 2022.

Ministerial foreword

Gillian Martin MSP, Acting Cabinet Secretary for Net Zero and Energy

2024 marks a key point in Scotland's circular economy journey.

In June the Circular Economy (Scotland) Bill was passed unanimously by the Scottish Parliament and is now the Circular Economy (Scotland) Act 2024. This landmark Act underlines Scotland's commitment to a circular economy based on sustainable consumption, production, and resource management. This is essential to power Scotland's transition to a fair, green and sustainable economy and is critical to meeting our obligations to tackle the twin climate and nature emergencies.

Following the passage of the Act, the focus now shifts to implementation.

This Route Map identifies the priorities to 2030 that will help us to progress to a circular economy and ensure we maximise the positive impact of the new Act for communities across Scotland.

The move to sustainable resource use and a circular economy directly supports the Scottish Government's four priorities. As well as being an important contributor to tackling the climate emergency and improving our environment, it can help grow the economy, by opening up new market opportunities, improving productivity and saving money. A circular economy can also contribute to eradicating child povertythrough local employment opportunities and access to lower cost options, through reuse and more effective use of resources.

Finally, the Route Map's actions are also designed to support sustainable public services, in particular to modernise recycling, reuse and waste services, co-designed with communities and local government.

The Route Map is the product of extensive collaboration and engagement with the public, private and third sectors through two consultations since 2022, with consistently high levels of support for the proposals. This final document focuses on delivery of 11 priority actions. It sets out clear timelines to deliver these actions to maximise progress, as well as outlining areas where the pace can be accelerated should the future budget situation allow before 2030. I want to thank all the individuals, businesses and organisations who have contributed to get us to this point, including our delivery partners in local government, SEPA and Zero Waste Scotland for their comprehensive input. It demonstrates the strength of support for Scotland's transition to a circular economy and the importance of working together to reach our net zero and economic growth goals.

I look forward to the next stage of Scotland's circular economy journey, delivering the Route Map's actions to ensure the transition works for Scotland's businesses, public sector and communities.



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