
Circular economy and waste route map to 2030: strategic environmental assessment - environmental report

Environmental report relating to our consultation on key priority actions that will unlock progress across the waste hierarchy.

Appendix B Addressing Responses from Consultative Authorities

Consultee: Nature Scot

Consultation response extract

We note the reference to NatureScot Natural Heritage Futures, however much of the content is now dated (they were drafted in 2002) as the forces for change have dramatically shifted, data sources have changed and there has been a shift in attitudes to the need for change as a result of the climate and biodiversity crisis. This should be born in mind in its consideration

Commentary/ Action taken

Reference to this report has been removed from the Related PPS and Environmental Baseline section, and the content of this report was not considered as part of the assessment.

Relevant location in report: 3.4 Context to the assessment

Consultee: SEPA

Consultation response extract

Although not specifically required at this stage, monitoring is a requirement of the Act and early consideration should be given to a monitoring approach particularly in the choice of indicators. It would be helpful if the Environmental Report included a description of the measures envisaged to monitor the significant environmental effects of the plan.

Commentary/ Action taken

The requirement for monitoring of the environmental effects of the Route Map are acknowledged in section 8.2, with some key indicators mentioned. A more detailed circular economy monitoring framework will be developed, as set out in the draft Route Map. Many of the policy measures in the Route Map are not yet fully developed, and when finalised will be subject to further assessment including consideration within the monitoring framework.

Relevant location in report: 8.2 Proposals for monitoring

Consultee: Historic Environment Scotland

Consultation response extract

The proposed SEA Objectives for the historic environment are welcomed. However, as these objectives are focused on the protection of the historic environment from harm we would suggest that an objective is included that reflects the actions of the plan and the potential for positive effects and the identification of enhancement opportunities. For example, an objective could be included along the lines of:

“Encourage the retention, reuse and repair of historic environment assets and materials.”

This would allow for the assessment to holistically consider any potential positive or negative effects on the historic environment.

Commentary/ Action taken

The proposed additional objective and assessment question have been added and were considered as part of the assessment of the interventions under ‘Embed circular construction practices’ within the strategic aim ‘Reduce and reuse’.

Relevant location in report: 3.5.1 Assessment methodology



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