
Circular economy and waste route map to 2030: strategic environmental assessment - environmental report

Environmental report relating to our consultation on key priority actions that will unlock progress across the waste hierarchy.


1. Scotland’s guiding principles on the environment: statutory guidance.

2. The Environment Strategy for Scotland: vision and outcomes,

3. SEPA, Waste from all sources – Summary data 2021 (published 2023)

4. Note: SEPA have warned that comparisons of 2021 waste from all sources data with previous years should be treated with caution due to the impact of COVID-19 and the cyber attack experienced by the organisation in 2020.

5. Food Waste Estimate for 2021, Zero Waste Scotland.

6. SEPA, Waste from all sources – Summary data 2021 (published 2023)

7. SEPA, Scottish Household waste – summary data – 2022 (published 2023)

8. SEPA, Waste from all sources – Summary data 2021 (published 2023)

9. SEPA, Scottish Household waste – summary data – 2022 (published 2023)

10. SEPA, Waste from all sources – Summary data 2021 (published 2023)

11. Zero Waste Scotland, The Composition of Household Waste at the Kerbside in 2021-23 (published 2023)

12. Scottish Government, Securing a green recovery on a path to net zero: climate change plan 2018–2032 – update (published 2020)

13. Scottish Government, Scottish Greenhouse Gas Statistics 2021 (published 2023)

14. Scottish Government, Scottish Greenhouse Gas Statistics 2020 (published 2022)

15. Scottish Greenhouse Gas Statistics 2021,

16. Scottish Greenhouse Gas Statistics 2021,

17. Scottish Greenhouse Gas Statistics 2021,

18. Stop, Sort, Burn, Bury - incineration in the waste hierarchy: independent review,

19. Zero Waste Scotland, The Carbon Footprint of Scotland’s Household Waste: 2021 Household Carbon Metric Brief (published 2023)

20. Zero Waste Scotland, The Carbon Footprint of Scotland’s Household Waste: 2021 Household Carbon Metric Brief (published 2023)

21. Zero Waste Scotland, The Carbon Impacts of the Circular Economy: Summary Report (published 2015)

22. Scottish Government, Climate Ready Scotland: climate change adaptation programme 2019-2024 (published 2019)

23. Scottish Government, Cleaner Air for Scotland 2 - Towards a Better Place for Everyone (published 2021)

24. Scottish Government, Cleaner Air for Scotland strategy: independent review (published 2019)

25. Adaptation Sub-Committee of the Committee on Climate Change, UK Climate Change Risk Assessment 2017 Evidence Report – Summary for Scotland (published 2016)

26. Scottish Government, Good Food Nation: consultation (published 2018)

27. National Records of Scotland, Life Expectancy in Scotland 2019-2021 (published 2022)

28. DEFRA, The Air Quality Strategy for England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland (Volume 1) (published 2007)

29. National Atmospheric Emissions Inventory, Air Pollutant Inventories for England, Scotland, Wales, and Northern Ireland: 1990-2017 (published 2019)

30. Scottish Government, Cleaner Air for Scotland 2: environmental report (published 2020)

31. Scottish Government, Cleaner Air for Scotland 2: environmental report (published 2020)

32. European Commission, EU soil strategy for 2030 (published 2021)

33. European Commission, Biodiversity strategy for 2030 (published 2020)

34. European Commission, The European Green Deal (published 2019)

35. Scottish Government, The Scottish Soil Framework (published 2009)

36. Natural Scotland, The State of Scotland’s Soil (published 2011)

37. Natural Scotland, The State of Scotland’s Soil (published 2011)

38. Scotland’s Environment, Groundwater (published 2011)

39. Scotland’s Environment, Groundwater (published 2011)

40. Scottish Government, Scotland's biodiversity: it's in your hands (published 2004)

41. Scottish Government, 2020 Challenge for Scotland’s Biodiversity (published 2013)

42. United Nations Environment Programme, Kunming-Montreal Global biodiversity framework (published 2022)

43. Scottish Government, Biodiversity strategy to 2045: tackling the nature emergency (published 2022)

44. NatureScot, State of Nature report Scotland (published 2019)

45. Scottish Government, Our Place in Time: the Historic Environment Strategy for Scotland (published 2014)

46. Historic Environment Scotland, Historic Environment Policy for Scotland (published 2019)

47. Historic Environment Scotland, Scotland’s Historic Environment Audit 2018 (published 2020)

48. Scotland’s Environment, Scotland’s State of the Environment Report (published 2014)

49. Zero Waste Scotland, Safeguarding Scotland’s Resources: Blueprint for a More Resource Efficient and Circular Economy (published 2013)

50. Scottish Government, A Manufacturing Future for Scotland (published 2016)

51. Zero Waste Scotland, Scottish Material Flow Accounts Model: Update with 2018 data (published 2023)

52. Circle Economy, The Circularity Gap Report: Scotland (published 2022)

53. Scottish Government, Making Things Last: a circular economy strategy for Scotland (published 2016)

54. Scottish Government, Scotland’s Zero Waste Plan (published 2010)

55. Zero Waste Scotland, Safeguarding Scotland’s Resources: Blueprint for a More Resource Efficient and Circular Economy (published 2013)

56. Scottish Environmental Protection Agency, Waste from all Sources – Summary data 2021 (published 2023)

57. Scottish Environmental Protection Agency, Scottish Household Waste – summary data 2021 (published 2022)

58. Council of Europe, Council of Europe Landscape Convention, European Treaty Series – No.176 (published 2000)

59. Scottish Government, National Planning Framework 4 (published 2023)

60. NatureScot [Scottish Natural Heritage], Landscape Policy Framework (published 2005)

61. Scottish Government, National Litter and Flytipping Strategy (published 2023)

62. Scottish Government, Towards a litter-free Scotland: a strategic approach to higher quality local environments (published 2014)

63. Zero Waste Scotland, Carrier Bag Charge ‘One Year On’ (published 2015)

64. Resource Futures, Consumption of Single-use Disposable Beverage Cups in Scotland (published 2023)

65. Zero Waste Scotland, Carrier Bag Charge ‘One Year On’ (published 2015)

66. Based on projected volumes of cups on the market in 2035, including growth. Source: Resource Futures, Consumption of Single-use Disposable Beverage Cups in Scotland (published 2023)

67. Zero Waste Scotland, Reuse, repair and recycling in a circular economy

68. Circle Economy, The Circularity Gap Report: Scotland (published 2022)

69. Almeida, J., Pellec, M. L. and Bengtsson, J., Reusable coffee cups life cycle assessment and benchmark. doi: 10.13140/RG.2.2.35083.13607 (published 2018)

70. Zero Waste Scotland, Carrier Bag Charge ‘One Year On’ (published 2015)

71. Latest estimates range from 4,0000 tonnes [Source: Scottish Government, Report of the Expert Panel on Environmental Charging and Other Measures: Recommendations on Single use Disposable Beverage Cups (published 2019) ] to 4,383 [96% of the total arisings reported in Consumption of Single-use Disposable Beverage Cups in Scotland (published 2023)]

72. Scottish Government, Charges on single-use drinks cups (published 2022)

73. Zero Waste Scotland, Cups Sold Separately (published 2019)

74. Scottish Government, Charges on single-use drinks cups (published 2022)

75. Scottish Government, Report of the Expert Panel on Environmental Charging and Other Measures: Recommendations on Single use Disposable Beverage Cups (published 2019)

76. Emissions from energy from waste do not currently contribute to the overall emissions reported for the waste sector as they are classified under energy supply emissions. Changes in incineration activity will therefore have no impact on the overall waste sector emissions from a reporting perspective.

77. Scottish Government, Scottish Greenhouse Gas Statistics 2021 (published 2023)

78. Keep Scotland Beautiful, Scottish Litter Survey (published 2021)

79. Scottish Government, Scotland’s Labour Market: People, Places and Regions – background tables and charts 2020/21 (published 2022)

80. Circle Economy, The Circularity Gap Report: Scotland (published 2022)

81. Scottish Government, Stop, Sort, Burn, Bury - incineration in the waste hierarchy: independent review (published 2022)

82. Information provided through direct correspondence with SEPA (September 2023)

83. Scottish Government, Stop, Sort, Burn, Bury - incineration in the waste hierarchy: independent review (published 2022)

84. Health Protection Scotland, Incineration of Waste and Reported Human Health Effects (published 2009)

85. Zero Waste Scotland, Scottish Material Flow Accounts Model 2018 (published 2023)

86. Almeida, J., Pellec, M. L. and Bengtsson, J.,Reusable coffee cups life cycle assessment and benchmark. doi: 10.13140/RG.2.2.35083.13607 (published 2018)

87. Scottish Environment Protection Agency, 2021 Pollutant emissions and waste transfers from SEPA regulated industrial sites (published 2022)

88. Scottish Government, Report of the Expert Panel on Environmental Charging and Other Measures: Recommendations on Single use Disposable Beverage Cups (published 2019)

89. Almeida, J., Pellec, M. L. and Bengtsson, J., Reusable coffee cups life cycle assessment and benchmark. doi: 10.13140/RG.2.2.35083.13607 (published 2018)

90. Zero Waste Scotland, The environmental benefits of reusable plastic over single-use products, URL: (accessed July 2023)

91. Journal of Cleaner Production, Volume 255, How small daily choices play a huge role in climate change: The disposable paper cup environmental bane, . doi: 10.1016/j.jclepro.2020.120294 (published 2020)

92. Zero Waste Scotland, The Carbon Footprint of Scotland’s Waste: 2021 Household Carbon Metric Brief (published 2023)

93. Scottish Government, Stop, Sort, Burn, Bury - incineration in the waste hierarchy: independent review (published 2022)

94. IPCC, Emissions From Waste Incineration

95. Scottish Government, Scottish Greenhouse Gas Statistics 2021 (published 2023)

96. Zero Waste Scotland, Carrier Bag Charge ‘One Year On’ (published 2015)

97. Zero Waste Scotland, Scottish Material Flow Accounts Model: Update with 2018 data (published 2023)

98. Keep Scotland Beautiful, Scottish Litter Survey (published 2021)

99. Zero Waste Scotland, How much food and drink waste is there in Scotland? (published 2016)

100. ClimateXChange, Rapid Evidence Assessment of the Alternatives to Horticultural Peat in Scotland (published 2019)

101. Zero Waste Scotland, Accelerating the Circular Bioeconomy, URL: (accessed July 2023)

102. Scotland’s Rural College, Distillery by-products, livestock feed and bio-energy use in Scotland (published 2019)

103. NatureScot, Managing the land, URL:,many%20benefits%20to%20Scotland's%20people (accessed July 2023)

104. Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development, Managing the Biodiversity Impacts of Fertiliser and Pesticide Use (published 2020)

105. NatureScot, Restoring Scotland’s Peatlands, URL: (accessed July 2023)

106. NatureScot, Restoring Scotland’s Peatlands, URL: (accessed July 2023)

107. Zero Waste Scotland, How much food and drink waste is there in Scotland? (published 2016)

108. Scottish Government, Cleaner Air for Scotland strategy: independent review (published 2019)

109. Information provided through direct correspondence with SEPA (September 2023)

110. Scottish Government, Stop, Sort, Burn, Bury - incineration in the waste hierarchy: independent review (published 2022)

111. Health Protection Scotland, Incineration of Waste and Reported Human Health Effects (published 2009)

112. European Science Foundation, The European Nitrogen Assessment (published 2011)

113. NatureScot, Restoring Scotland’s Peatlands, URL: (accessed July 2023)

114. NatureScot, Managing the land, URL:,many%20benefits%20to%20Scotland's%20people (accessed July 2023)

115. Natural History Museum, Soil degradation: the problems and how to fix them (published 2021)

116. International Union for Conservation of Nature, Peat Extraction & Horticulture, URL:,the%20drastically%20lowered%20water%20table (accessed July 2023)

117. Scottish Environment Protection Agency, Scottish Pollutant Release Inventory 2021 (published 2022)

118. NatureScot, Restoring Scotland’s Peatlands, URL: (accessed July 2023)

119. Scottish Government, Cleaner Air for Scotland 2 - Towards a Better Place for Everyone (published 2021)

120. Air Quality Expert Group, Air Pollution from Agriculture (published 2018)

121. Rodrigo-Ilarri J, Rodrigo-Clavero M-E. Mathematical Modeling of the Biogas Production in MSW Landfills. Impact of the Implementation of Organic Matter and Food Waste Selective Collection Systems. (published 2020)

122. Scottish Government, Stop, Sort, Burn, Bury - incineration in the waste hierarchy: independent review (published 2022)

123. European Science Foundation, The European Nitrogen Assessment (published 2011)

124. NatureScot, Restoring Scotland’s Peatlands, URL: (accessed July 2023)

125. Zero Waste Scotland, The Carbon Footprint of Scotland’s Household Waste (published 2023)

126. Zero Waste Scotland, How much food and drink waste is there in Scotland? (published 2016)

127. Zero Waste Scotland, The Carbon Footprint of Scotland’s Waste (published 2023)

128. Zero Waste Scotland, Carbon Metric Factors 2011-2020 (published 2022)

129. NatureScot, Restoring Scotland’s Peatlands, URL: (accessed July 2023)

130. Zero Waste Scotland, Scottish Material Flow Accounts Model: Update with 2018 data (published 2023)

131. Zero Waste Scotland, Scottish Material Flow Accounts Model: Update with 2018 data (published 2023)

132. NatureScot, Managing the land, URL:,many%20benefits%20to%20Scotland's%20people (accessed July 2023)

133. Zero Waste Scotland, Scottish Material Flow Accounts Model: Update with 2018 data (published 2023)

134. Scottish Government, Scotland’s Labour Market: People, Places and Regions – background tables and charts 2020/21 (published 2022)

135. Scottish Government, Scotland’s Labour Market: People, Places and Regions – background tables and charts 2020/21 (published 2022)

136. Information provided through direct correspondence with SEPA (September 2023)

137. Scottish Government, Stop, Sort, Burn, Bury - incineration in the waste hierarchy: independent review (published 2022)

138. Health Protection Scotland, Incineration of Waste and Reported Human Health Effects (published 2009)

139. Zero Waste Scotland, Scottish Material Flow Accounts Model: Update with 2018 data (published 2023)

140. Construction Products Association, Water Efficiency: the contribution of construction products (published 2015)

141. Scottish Environment Protection Agency, 2021 Pollutant emissions and waste transfers from SEPA regulated industrial sites (published 2022)

142. Scottish Environment Protection Agency, 2021 Pollutant emissions and waste transfers from SEPA regulated industrial sites (published 2022)

143. Scottish Government, Stop, Sort, Burn, Bury - incineration in the waste hierarchy: independent review (published 2022)

144. Scottish Environment Protection Agency, 2021 Pollutant emissions and waste transfers from SEPA regulated industrial sites (published 2022)

145. Scottish Government, Stop, Sort, Burn, Bury - incineration in the waste hierarchy: independent review (published 2022)

146. IPCC, Emissions From Waste Incineration

147. Scottish Government, Scottish Greenhouse Gas Statistics 2021 (published 2023)

148. Wernet, G., Bauer, C., Steubing, B., Reinhard, J., Moreno-Ruiz, E., and Weidema, B., EcoInvent 3.9.1, using IPCC2021 LCIA method, GWP 100. The ecoinvent database version 3 (part I): overview and methodology. The International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment, [online] 21(9), pp.1218–1230 (published 2016)

149. Zero Waste Scotland, Scottish Material Flow Accounts Model: Update with 2018 data (published 2023)

150. Zero Waste Scotland, Scottish Material Flow Accounts Model: Update with 2018 data (published 2023)

151. Keep Scotland Beautiful, Scottish Litter Survey (published 2021)

152. Scottish Government, Scotland’s Labour Market: People, Places and Regions – background tables and charts 2020/21 (published 2022)

153. Circle Economy, The Circularity Gap Report: Scotland (published 2022)

154. Information provided through direct correspondence with SEPA (September 2023)

155. Scottish Government, Stop, Sort, Burn, Bury - incineration in the waste hierarchy: independent review (published 2022)

156. Health Protection Scotland, Incineration of Waste and Reported Human Health Effects (published 2009)

157. Scottish Government, National litter and fly-tipping consultation: strategic environmental assessment (published 2021)

158. Zero Waste Scotland, Scottish Material Flow Accounts Model: Update with 2018 data (published 2023)

159. Scottish Government, Stop, Sort, Burn, Bury - incineration in the waste hierarchy: independent review (published 2022)

160. Zero Waste Scotland, The Carbon Footprint of Scotland’s Household Waste (published 2023)

161. Zero Waste Scotland, The Carbon Footprint of Scotland’s Household Waste (published 2023)

162. Scottish Government, Stop, Sort, Burn, Bury - incineration in the waste hierarchy: independent review (published 2022)

163. IPCC, Emissions From Waste Incineration

164. Zero Waste Scotland, The Carbon Footprint of Scotland’s Household Waste (published 2023)

165. Zero Waste Scotland, The Carbon Footprint of Scotland’s Household Waste (published 2023)

166. Keep Scotland Beautiful, Scottish Litter Survey (published 2021)

167. Scottish Government, Cleaner Air for Scotland 2 - Towards a Better Place for Everyone (published 2021)

168. Circle Economy, The Circularity Gap Report: Scotland (published 2022)

169. Information provided through direct correspondence with SEPA (September 2023)

170. Scottish Government, Stop, Sort, Burn, Bury - incineration in the waste hierarchy: independent review (published 2022)

171. Health Protection Scotland, Incineration of Waste and Reported Human Health Effects (published 2009)

172. Scottish Government, Scotland’s Labour Market: People, Places and Regions – background tables and charts 2020/21 (published 2022)

173. Circle Economy, The Circularity Gap Report: Scotland (published 2022)

174. Scottish Government, Cleaner Air for Scotland 2 - Towards a Better Place for Everyone (published 2021)

175. Zero Waste Scotland, Scottish Material Flow Accounts Model: Update with 2018 data (published 2023)

176. Scottish Government, Stop, Sort, Burn, Bury - incineration in the waste hierarchy: independent review (published 2022)

177. Scottish Environment Protection Agency, 2021 Pollutant emissions and waste transfers from SEPA regulated industrial sites (published 2022)

178. Scottish Government, Cleaner Air for Scotland 2 - Towards a Better Place for Everyone (published 2021)

179. The Carbon Footprint of Scotland's Household Waste (published 2023)

180. The Carbon Footprint of Scotland's Waste (published 2018)

181. The Carbon Footprint of Scotland's Household Waste (published 2023)

182. The Carbon Footprint of Scotland's Waste (published 2018)

183. Scottish Government, Stop, Sort, Burn, Bury - incineration in the waste hierarchy: independent review (published 2022)

184. IPCC, Emissions From Waste Incineration

185. Scottish Government, Scottish Greenhouse Gas Statistics 2021 (published 2023)

186. Scottish Government, Scotland's Carbon Footprint 1998-2018 (published 2022)

187. Zero Waste Scotland, Scottish Material Flow Accounts Model: Update with 2018 data (published 2023)

188. Zero Waste Scotland, Scottish Material Flow Accounts Model: Update with 2018 data (published 2023)

189. Keep Scotland Beautiful, Scottish Litter Survey (published 2021)

190. Information provided through direct correspondence with SEPA (September 2023)

191. Scottish Government, Stop, Sort, Burn, Bury - incineration in the waste hierarchy: independent review (published 2022)

192. Health Protection Scotland, Incineration of Waste and Reported Human Health Effects (published 2009)

193. Scottish Government, Stop, Sort, Burn, Bury - incineration in the waste hierarchy: independent review (published 2022)

194. Scottish Government, Stop, Sort, Burn, Bury - incineration in the waste hierarchy: independent review (published 2022)

195. Scottish Government, Stop, Sort, Burn, Bury - incineration in the waste hierarchy: independent review (published 2022)

196. IPCC, Emissions From Waste Incineration

197. Scottish Government, Scottish Greenhouse Gas Statistics 2021 (published 2023)

198. Scottish Government, Stop, Sort, Burn, Bury - incineration in the waste hierarchy: independent review (published 2022)

199. Ibid.

200. Scottish Government, Scottish Greenhouse Gas Statistics 2021 (published 2023)

201. Scottish Government, Stop, Sort, Burn, Bury - incineration in the waste hierarchy: independent review (published 2022)

202. Scottish Emission Targets – first five-yearly review & Progress in reducing emissions in Scotland – 2022 Report to Parliament.



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