Circular economy and waste route map to 2030: strategic environmental assessment - post adoption statement

Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) post-adoption statement for Scotland's Circular Economy and Waste Route Map to 2030.

5. The reasons for choosing the final approach

The adopted content of the final Route Map reflects the findings from the full suite of impact assessments undertaken, further complementary research and analysis, and the insights from the public consultation. The Environmental Assessment has shown that the actions within the Route Map are expected to lead to positive outcomes for Scotland across all relevant environmental topic areas.

5.1 Reasons for choosing the restrictions, as detailed, in the SEA Consultation

The final version of the Route Map responds directly to feedback from the first and second consultations, prioritising and focusing on the key actions that will unlock progress across the waste hierarchy, outlining how Scottish Government will deliver and coordinate these actions to achieve maximum positive impact for communities and businesses in Scotland.

Given the positive nature of the impacts identified in the SEA Environmental Report and the largely positive feedback received through the latest consultation, continuing forward with the same ambition was deemed the most favourable course of action, with minor amendments made to refine the details and timescales of upcoming actions to reflect stakeholder feedback.

5.2 Reasons for the rejection of a Business-as-Usual approach (where no Route Map actions are taken forward)

The Environmental Report identified a number of net positive effects across all of the environmental topics scoped into the assessment. To go forward with a business-as-usual approach and not adopt the actions within the Route Map would result in a missed opportunity to realise these potential wide-ranging environmental benefits. Negative effects and uncertainties were assessed to be insufficient to offset the positive impacts projected as a result of the adopted actions.

Due to the urgency of the current twin climate and nature emergencies, it was not considered viable to continue with a business-as-usual approach. A circular economy, based on sustainable consumption and production, is essential to power Scotland's transition to a fair, green, and sustainable economy, and the Route Map has been designed to accelerate progress towards this goal. The findings in the Environmental Report suggest that the proposed actions will result in outcomes supporting this ambition, and the responses to the public consultation suggest that the majority of respondents are in agreement with the proposed approach.

While some additional measures were put forward in the consultation as suggested alternatives, they were not considered to be reasonable alternatives to the Route Map as a whole, but rather additional measures that could be considered separately where appropriate, or considered through the development and implementation of the Route Map's actions.



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