Circular economy and waste route map to 2030: strategic environmental assessment - post adoption statement

Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) post-adoption statement for Scotland's Circular Economy and Waste Route Map to 2030.

6. The measures decided concerning monitoring

The Scottish Government will be responsible for monitoring the implementation and environmental effects resulting from implementing the Route Map. Due to the composition of the Route Map, the stage of development, and the variable timescales for delivery of each element, a single monitoring framework for the Route Map as a whole is not recommended. Instead, an individual approach to monitoring should be agreed for each of the actions or strategic aims within the Route Map, as appropriate.

To complement this, the Scottish Government have worked with a wide range of stakeholders to refresh our governance structure so that it drives the circular economy transformation to 2030 and enables a Team Scotland approach for delivery of the Route Map.

In parallel to the monitoring of Route Map actions, a Circular Economy Monitoring and Indicator Framework (CEMIF) is being developed to enable more holistic tracking of Scotland's consumption levels and wider measures of circularity (e.g. reuse, recycling and disposal) whilst ensuring that the wider social, economic and environmental impacts (such as biodiversity and land use impacts) are taken into account.



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