
Curriculum for Excellence review: implementation framework

A framework for how we will address the recommendations in the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) report, ‘Scotland’s Curriculum for Excellence: Into the Future’. This will include using the analysis and advice set out in Professor Stobart’s working paper on assessment in secondary education.


Governance of this work will be taken through the key groups set out above, namely the re-established Scottish Education Council and the new Children and Young People's Education Council. Both groups will have parity and will be chaired by the Cabinet Secretary for Education and Skills. The Curriculum and Assessment Board and Strategic Board for Teacher Education will continue to have a key role in terms of offering advice and guidance to Ministers and feeding in to the Scottish Education Council. Their role and/or that of other existing or new Boards or Groups in terms of the Children and Young People's Education Council will be considered once it is established.

The Teacher Panel has been in place since 2016, providing a quarterly forum for teachers and head teachers to discuss key developments in education and to share their experiences and expertise with the Cabinet Secretary for Education and Skills. As part of our actions to strengthen and build on the voice of front line teachers and head teachers we will consult with the Panel and other stakeholders about how to strengthen and expand the role of the Teacher Panel in relation to this work. Through Education Scotland, we will extend its networks of professional learning communities to ensure wider participation and engagement, creating regular touch points and co-construction with practitioners.

Scottish Education Governance Diagram
Cabinet Secretary for Education and Skills sits at the top, with International Council of Education Advisers and Teacher Panel on either side slightly below. Children and Young People’s Education Council and Scottish Education sit on the level below side by side, with Curriculum and Assessment Board and Strategic Board for Teacher Education side by side on the bottom tier.



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