
Fair Start Scotland, Work First Scotland and Work Able Scotland: statistical summary November 2018

Fifth publication in a series about the devolved Scottish employability services provides statistics for the first six months of Fair Start Scotland, which launched in April 2018, and the first 18 months of Work First Scotland and Work Able Scotland, which both launched in April 2017.

Transitional services employment outcomes

Work First Scotland

As at 28 September 2018, 18 months after the service was launched:

  • 1,692 participants had entered employment (achieved a ‘job start’) [2]
  • 1,133 participants had entered employment which lasted at least 13 weeks (achieved a ‘short job outcome’)[3]
  • 795 participants had entered employment which lasted at least 26 weeks (achieved a ‘sustained job outcome’)[3]

Work Able Scotland

As at 28 September 2018, 18 months after the service was launched:

  • 162 participants had entered employment (achieved a ‘job start’)[4]
  • 125 participants had entered employment which lasted at least 6 weeks (achieved a ‘short job outcome’)[5]
  • 47 participants had entered employment which lasted at least 26 weeks (achieved a ‘sustained job outcome’)[5]


Email: Kirsty Maclean

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