Scotland's Devolved Employment Services: Fair Start Scotland Statistical Summary February 2025

Official statistics for Fair Start Scotland (FSS) from April 2018 to September 2024.

Main Points

This report presents statistics for Scotland’s Devolved Employment Services: Fair Start Scotland. Fair Start Scotland closed to new referrals on the 31st March 2024, however participants can continue to achieve job outcomes. Statistics with updates to the employment outcomes are presented to the most recent quarter of April to September 2024.


  • There have been 104,208 referrals on Fair Start Scotland (FSS) since April 2018 up to March 2024.


  • There have been 70,513 starts to FSS since April 2018, including 6,999 re-joins which was possible from April 2021. As FSS closed to new referrals on the 31st March 2024, there are no new additional starts reported in this publication.


  • Overall, there have been 26,565 job starts since FSS launched. For job starts where enough time has passed in pre-employment support and for outcomes to be achieved, 38% have entered employment, 28% have sustained employment for 3 months, 23% have sustained employment for 6 months and 18% have sustained employment for 12 months.


  • Of the 11,537 job starts (those where enough time has passed in pre-employment support and for outcomes to be achieved), 78% went on to reach at least 12 months employment.


  • Of the 70,513 starts to FSS  since April 2018, 15,429 (22%, including 1,460 re-joins) were parents. Where enough time has passed in pre-employment support and for outcomes to be achieved there have been 5,295 job starts who are parents, since FSS launched.


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