Scotland's Devolved Employment Services: statistical summary May 2019

Statistics for the first year of Fair Start Scotland, the first two years of Work First Scotland and Work Able Scotland, and the first nine months of the Health & Work Support Pilot (HAWS).

Key findings

Up to 29 March 2019:

  • Of those referred (17,616), 58% of people chose to join Fair Start Scotland (FSS). In total, 10,063 people joined FSS in the first year. 
  • The first quarter of 2019 saw an increase both in referrals (46%) and starts (48%), compared to the last quarter of 2018.
  • 2,013 participants started a job after joining FSS. 898 of those who started a job had sustained employment for at least 13 weeks and 418 had sustained employment for at least 26 weeks.
  • Almost two-thirds (64%) of FSS participants reported having a long-term health condition. 
  • 930 people enrolled in the Health & Work Support pilot since it was launched in late June 2018. The most common health conditions reported by participants were musculoskeletal (62%). 



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