
Scotland's Devolved Employment Services: statistical summary February 2020

Statistics to the end of December 2019 cover the first twenty one months of Fair Start Scotland (FSS), which launched in April 2018, and the first eighteen months of the Health and Work Support Pilot (H&WS), which launched in June 2018.

Summary findings

  • 30,348 people were referred to Fair Start Scotland (FSS) in the first 21 months (1.75 years) of the service, and 19,003 of those joined. The proportion of people referred who started FSS support has increased over time from 48% in April to June 2018 (quarter one of FSS) to 70% in July to September 2019[1].
  • 5,133 people started a job after joining FSS, of whom 2,808 had sustained employment for at least 3 months (13 weeks), 1,620 for at least 6 months (26 weeks) and 509 for 12 months (52 weeks). There are lower numbers for 6 and 12 month job outcomes, in part because not enough time has passed to reach the time related job outcome for all the people starting FSS.
  • It is too early to determine the proportion of people who will gain or sustain employment for the majority of people starting FSS, but it is possible for quarter one of starts[2]. Most people who joined in quarter one did not enter sustained employment: 32% started a job, 22% sustained employment for 3 months, and 17% sustained employment for 6 months.
  • However, for quarter one, most people who started a job did sustain it: 69% of people starting jobs went on to sustain employment for 3 months, and 77% of the people who sustained employment for 3 months went on to reach 6 months.
  • 52% of people starting in quarter one of FSS left the service early (without completing the support offered or achieving a job outcome). Similar proportions are seen in quarter two of FSS. These time periods are focused on as they have the most complete data.
  • People starting FSS may have various barriers to finding work but health and disability are the most commonly reported[3]. 66% of people starting FSS reported a long-term health condition and 51% reported being disabled. Mental health conditions were the most commonly reported, accounting for 39% of all long-term health conditions. People reporting no long-term health conditions or who were ‘limited a little’ by their condition achieved higher proportions of job outcomes. Conversely, those reporting that they were ‘limited a lot’ achieved lower proportions of job outcomes.
  • The Health & Work Support Pilot in Dundee and Fife has received 2,303 referrals and 2,124 enrolments since 26 June 2018. This is an 18% decrease in referrals and enrolments from the quarter before.



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