Scotland's Devolved Employment Services: statistical summary February 2019

Experimental statistics for: the first nine months of Fair Start Scotland, the first twenty one months of Work First Scotland and Work Able Scotland, and the first six months of the Health & Work Support Pilot (HAWS).

Health & Work Support Pilot

The Health & Work Support Pilot streamlines existing health and employability services by providing a single point of contact for those at risk of falling out of work or who have recently left due to ill health. The service offers NHS delivered case-management support to those at risk of falling out of work or recently unemployed (up to 6 months) due to ill health, as well as offering specialist advice to individuals and employers. This 2-year pilot was launched on 26 June 2018. Tables 29 to 33 in the accompanying Excel tables refer to the Pilot data.

How many people joined and what do we know about the people joining?

  • There were 582 referrals and 544 enrolments into case management support from 26 June to 31 December 2018. Referrals and enrolments have increased between the first quarter of the pilot (26 June to 30 September) and the second quarter (1 October to 31 December) by 39% for referrals and 42% for enrolments.
  • Most people enrolled into the case management services were employed (86%), with 14% being recently unemployed (up to 6 months).
  • More females (56%) than males (44%) were eligible to access the case management services. There were a higher proportion of females in each age group up until age 55 to 64.
  • The most common health conditions reported are musculoskeletal conditions (e.g. back pain; 63%), followed by mental health conditions (25%). 7% reported other types of health conditions, and for 4% of participants health condition is unknown.

Figure 8: Health & Work Support referrals and enrolments, up to 31 December 2018

Figure 8: Health & Work Support referrals and enrolments, up to 31 December 2018

Figure 9: Health & Work Support Pilot enrolments, up to 31 December 2018

Figure 9: Health & Work Support Pilot enrolments, up to 31 December 2018

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