Work First Scotland and Work Able Scotland: statistical summary May 2018

The third in a new series of experimental statistics about Scotland's Devolved Employment Services.


1. There is a necessary time lag between an individual being referred to the services, and subsequent contact being made by the service provider to engage with the individual.

2. Total number joining ('starts') reflects the outcomes of referrals received during the period 3 April 2017 to 9 March 2018, which includes a small number of people who had a recorded start date after 30 March 2018. See Technical Annex for details.

3. Numbers of referrals and starts to WFS reported through the DWP Provider Referrals and Payments ( PRaP) system. PRaP is a system that enables secure, automated exchanges of information about customers referred to providers, and payments from DWP to providers.

4. Number of referrals to WAS reported by WAS service providers, via clerical referrals made by DWP. Number of starts recorded on SDS' Corporate Training System ( CTS). CTS is an IT system which supports the administration of programmes such as WAS. See Technical Annex for details. Footnotes 1 and 2 also apply.

5. Referrals to WFS stopped on 9 March 2018

6. Percentages do not sum to 100 due to rounding.

7. More than one type of long-term health condition can be recorded for an individual, hence the totals sum to more than the total number of participants.

8. Includes Mixed or multiple ethnic groups, Asian, Asian Scottish or Asian British, African, Caribbean or Black and Other ethnic groups

9. Referrals to WAS stopped on 9 March 2018.

10. 16 and 17 year olds are not eligible for WAS


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