
Work First Scotland and Work Able Scotland: statistical summary August 2018

The fourth edition of devolved Scottish employability services experimental statistics.

Work Able Scotland Participants

Information about Work Able Scotland participants is presented in this section for people who started on the service, and those who had achieved short job outcomes at 29 June 2018. The information is derived directly from data collected by WAS service providers. Information on those achieving sustained job outcomes (n=29) is not included as breakdowns would be disclosive. Some caution is advised in interpreting findings on short job outcomes (n=96) relative to starts (n=1,095), due to the disparity in size of groups. The statistics are derived from information collected for equalities monitoring purposes. All information is self-reported.

Figure 6: Work Able Scotland participants achieving short job outcomes at 29 June 2018, by age (Figure 6A) and gender (Figure 6B)

Figure 6: Work Able Scotland participants achieving short job outcomes at 29 June 2018, by age (Figure 6A) and gender (Figure 6B)

Table 11A: WAS participants achieving short job outcomes at 29 June 2018, by age

Age Group [12] Total % by age group
18-24 9 9.4
25-34 28 29.2
35-49 35 36.5
50-64 24 25.0
Total 96 100 [8]

Table 11B: WAS participants achieving short job outcomes at 29 June 2018, by gender

Gender Total % by gender
Female 48 50
Male 48 50
Total 96 100

Table 12: Work Able Scotland participants, by age and gender

Age Group [12] Female Male % by age group Total
18-24 48 76 11.3 124
25-34 99 157 23.4 256
35-49 168 211 34.6 379
50-64 161 175 30.7 336
% by gender 43.5 56.5 100
Total 476 619 1,095

Figure 6A and Table 11A show that whilst the proportion of participants in each age group who achieved both short and sustained job outcomes is broadly similar to those who joined the service, 62% of participants achieving short job outcomes were aged 35 or over, which is slightly lower than those joining the service in the same age group (65%, Table 12). A higher proportion of participants in the 25-34 age group (29%) achieved job outcomes, than those that started on the service (23%); whilst the proportion of 50-64 year olds achieving short job outcomes (25%) was less than those who joined WAS (31%). Females accounted for 50% of those achieving short job outcomes (Figure 6B, Table 11B), and 44% of all those joining the service.

Figure 7: Work Able Scotland participants achieving short job outcomes at 29 June 2018, by type of impairment / health condition / learning difficulty

Figure 7: Work Able Scotland participants achieving short job outcomes at 29 June 2018, by type of impairment / health condition / learning difficulty

Table 13: Work Able Scotland participants achieving short job outcomes at 29 June 2018, by type of impairment / health condition / learning difficulty

Type of impairment / health condition / learning difficulty Number of types of impairment / health condition / learning difficulty % of types of impairment / health condition / learning difficulty
Mental health 55 43.7
Other disability, impairment or medical condition 21 16.7
Long standing illness 15 11.9
Learning difficulty 14 11.1
Deaf/hearing impairment; Social/communication; Visual impairment [13] 11 8.7
Physical impairment/mobility 10 7.9
Total 126 [9] 100

Table 14: Work Able Scotland participants, by type of impairment / health condition / learning difficulty

Type of impairment / health condition / learning difficulty Number of types of impairment / health condition / learning difficulty % of types of impairment / health condition / learning difficulty
Mental health 698 46.2
Other disability, impairment or medical condition 209 13.8
Long standing illness 167 11.1
Physical impairment/mobility 163 10.8
Learning difficulty 122 8.1
Social/communication 79 5.2
Deaf/hearing impairment 42 2.8
Visual impairment 30 2.0
Total 1,510 [9] 100

Figure 7 and Table 13 show that around 44% of all types of impairment / health condition / learning difficulty reported by those achieving short job outcomes were mental health conditions. This is broadly similar to the proportion of mental health conditions reported by those that joined the service (46%; Table 14). Other disabilities, impairments or medical conditions accounted for about 17% of all types that were reported by individuals achieving short job outcomes, compared with 14% reported by those that started on WAS.

Around 12% of all types of condition reported by those achieving short job outcomes were long standing illnesses; similar to those reported by starts (11%). A learning difficulty accounted for 11% of all types of condition reported by those achieving short job outcomes; this was higher than the proportion of those who started on the service reporting a learning difficulty (8%). Conversely, physical impairments accounted for 8% of all types of condition reported by those achieving short job outcomes but 11% of all types of condition reported by those joining WAS.

Figure 8: Work Able Scotland participants achieving short job outcomes at 29 June 2018, by number of types of impairment / health condition / learning difficulty

Figure 8: Work Able Scotland participants achieving short job outcomes at 29 June 2018, by number of types of impairment / health condition / learning difficulty

Table 15: Work Able Scotland participants achieving short job outcomes at 29 June 2018, by number of types of impairment / health condition / learning difficulty

Number of types of impairment / health condition / learning difficulty Number of WAS participants % of WAS participants
1 57 59.4
2 23 24.0
3 or more 6 6.3
Unknown 10 10.4
Total 96 100 [8]

Table 16: Work Able Scotland participants by number of types of impairment / health condition / learning difficulty

Number of types of impairment / health condition / learning difficulty Number of WAS participants % of WAS participants
1 653 59.6
2 274 25.0
3 or more 95 8.7
Unknown 73 6.7
Total 1,095 100

Figure 8 and Table 15 shows that whilst the majority (59%) of WAS participants that achieved short job outcomes reported having one type of long-term health impairment / health condition / learning difficulty, just under a third (30%) reported having 2 or more. This is broadly in line with the number of conditions reported by individuals joining the service (Table 16).

Table 17: Work Able Scotland participants achieving short job outcomes at 29 June 2018, by ethnic group

Ethnic group Number of WAS participants % of WAS participants
White 92 95.8
Minority ethnic [10] 4 4.2
Total 96 100

Table 18: Work Able Scotland participants, by ethnic group

Ethnic group Number of WAS participants % of WAS participants
White 1,070 97.7
Minority ethnic [10] 23 2.1
Unknown 2 0.2
Total 1,095 100

Table 17 shows that 4% of participants who achieved short job outcomes reported being from minority ethnic groups. This is higher than that reported by individuals joining the service (2%; Table 18).


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