
Scotland's Digital Future: Data Centre Colocation In The Scottish Public Sector

Guidance and principles on data centre colocation. Sets out how to select a colocation site (service standards, energy efficiency, security etc.) a model Memorandum of Understanding and colocation case studies in the Scottish Public Sector. Developed wi

Selecting an appropriate public sector colocation

Organisations must mitigate unnecessary risk when delivering public services, therefore it is important they understand the type of arrangement they will be entering into for hosting their services. It is important when choosing a colocation facility that it is located appropriately for operational needs, it provides the right level of protection, and offers the right level of service for ICT systems and data.

Before selecting a colocation solution in the public sector (or private sector) an organisation should undertake a risk assessment taking into account all legal risks, as well as impacts on security, operations and the organisation's reputation, which must be understood and addressed as part of the business case.

The following sections highlight important factors when assessing the standards and risks that are acceptable for your organisation.


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