
Scotland's Digital Future: Data Centre Colocation In The Scottish Public Sector

Guidance and principles on data centre colocation. Sets out how to select a colocation site (service standards, energy efficiency, security etc.) a model Memorandum of Understanding and colocation case studies in the Scottish Public Sector. Developed wi

Tenant organisation summary

Tenant organisation summary

1. Look in the catalogue for options.

The catalogue will list locations and the contact details for organisations that have a facility they wish to share.

2. Risk assess preferred options

You should assess what the facility offers against your organisations own objectives to ensure what's available matches your requirements, this should include understanding what is involved in exiting from the arrangement.

3. Business case to support preferred location

Once you have narrowed down your options a business case including risk profile should be prepared that supports your decision.

4. Sign MOU

ensure the services you are expecting are agreed by both parties.


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