
Scotland's Digital Future: Data Hosting and Data Centre Strategy for the Scottish Public Sector

The data hosting and data centre strategy sets the vision that Scotland’s public sector data hosting is cost-effective, carbon neutral and makes appropriate use of cloud technology, for the delivery of efficient and highly available ICT services.

Our Vision

Scotland's public sector data hosting is cost-effective, carbon neutral and makes appropriate use of cloud technology, for the delivery of efficient and highly available ICT services.

We will have delivered on our vision when:

  • public sector organisations can demonstrate that appropriate cost-effective cloud services are the dominant solution for their organisations' data hosting and storage requirements
  • public sector organisations take a service based approach to redesign their requirements
  • increased collaboration between public sector organisation and partners is providing efficient and appropriately available ICT services
  • individual public sector organisations do not build new data centres but make use of the world class data centres or form significant partnerships to increase the availability of world class data centres in Scotland
  • current public sector data centres can demonstrate their viability and route map to world class provision or the plans for decommissioning them that maximises their current investments and optimises their assets


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