
Scotland's Digital Future: supporting the transition to a world-leading digital economy

Assesses the role that Scotland's public sector is playing in stimulating the digital economy and proposes actions that could be taken.


Summary of Key Sector Capabilities and Supporting Initiatives




Support focus


Digital Health and Care

Description: Using ICT and informatics to support and exploiting reform of service delivery in health and care. Includes initiatives in remote monitoring, call-centre technology and interfacing, medical devices.

Context/Drivers: Demographics: global economic imperative to treat more patients in the community rather than in hospital.

Internal efficiencies for global health services.

Capability Sectors:

Market Sectors:
Life Sciences, Financial Services

Digital Health Institute

Collaboration between NHS Scotland, University of Edinburgh ( UOE) and Glasgow School of Art to provide a platform to support service delivery reform and for exploration, experience-testing and realisation for products and services.

Innovation Collaboration Cluster development Foreign Direct Investment ( FDI)


Dallas in Scotland

Small Business Research Initiative ( SBRI)-based initiative to provide digital solutions. Seven companies, NHS24, SE and HIE.

Innovation Collaboration

In progress

Digital Health and Care ( DHC) Network Integrator

SME networking and intelligence gathering resource

Cluster Development

Just started in field


A HIE initiative for a business networking and opportunity matching organisation

Cluster Development

Just started in field

Big Data

Description: Requirements for increased velocity, volume, veracity and variability of data. Includes data analytics, data industrialisation, cyber-security
and data personalisation.

Context/ Drivers:
Supporting and exploiting opportunities arising from paradigm shift which considers 'data' to be the primary asset, not the software.

Capability Sectors: ICT/Informatics

Market Sectors: All, especially Digital Health, Financial Services

SuperComputing Scotland

The aim of Supercomputing Scotland is to enhance the competitiveness and productivity of Scottish Companies through the use of advanced Modelling and Simulation, by supporting collaboration between Scottish Companies and EPCC: Edinburgh University's world-class supercomputing centre.

Innovation Productivity

In progress

Data Science & Engineering Innovation Centre Proposed Scottish centre for innovation and collaboration around data analytics etc.

Innovation Collaboration Cluster Development

Concept stage. Consortium assembled. Bid in development.

CDE Catapult ( TSB/ UK)

The Connected Digital Economy Catapult will help businesses and researchers to collaborate and to address some of the large and complex challenges facing the UK. It will provide access to testing facilities and demonstrators, and it will co-ordinate and link expertise across the country.

Innovation Collaboration

Opening in London Spring 2013 (potential connections through UOE Informatics)

Smart Mobility

Description: Using digital capabilities to support and exploit opportunities arising at the junction of ICT, transport and energy.

Context/Drivers: delivering an efficient and sustainable transport system as part of the transition to a low carbon economy.

Capability Sectors: ICT and Engineering

Market Sectors: Transport, Energy and ICT

Future Cities Demonstrator, Glasgow

TSB funded initiative to provide a flagship project to develop and showcase 'smart city' capabilities

Innovation Collaboration Cluster Development FDI


Grand Challenge

To stimulate a new flow of large-scale smart mobility demonstrator projects to meet societal challenges and accelerate relevant innovation by industry

Funded call for innovation (50-50 public private)

In development for launch mid 2013

Transport Systems Catapult ( TSB/ UK)

West Midlands hub with Scotland's Smart Mobility programme as a virtual spoke. Strong likelihood that Scottish demonstrator projects become a Living Lab for Catapult-led innovations.

Innovation Collaboration Cluster Development


Smart Cities Inter-operation Standards

Scotland has the opportunity to define and demonstrate a unique digital platform (as a public good) which can unlock export markets through increased global usability

Collaboration Exports

Idea stage

Future Cities Catapult ( TSB/ UK)

Hub expected in London, looking to Glasgow as a exemplar project.

Innovation Collaboration

Approved in concept by TSB. Now consortium building.

Sensors and Imaging Systems

Description: Using ICT capabilities to convert analogue data such as temperature, movement and electromagnetic radiation into forms useful for the digital economy.

Context /Drivers: Excellent Scottish capability with good penetration into global markets.

Capability Sectors:
ICT and Engineering

Market Sectors:
Oil and Gas and Offshore Renewable Energy (Subsea)

Sensors and Imaging Innovation Centre

Collaboration between Scottish Universities and companies to support innovation around Scottish strengths and global market needs

Innovation Collaboration Cluster development FDI


Subsea Engineering Programme

Possible programme to exploit global requirements based on Scottish supply-side strengths in rugged engineering and sensors and imaging

Cluster Development Exports

Idea stage

Smart Built Environment

Description: Includes the use of digital capabilities to better control energy use in our existing and new building stock.

Context/Drivers: Support better living and the transition to a low carbon economy.

Capability Sectors: Sensors, Informatics/ ICT

Market Sectors: Construction

Built Environment Innovation Park

The project provides a Scottish innovation pathway via a clearly articulated support system from concept through to market demonstration within Scotland.


In Progress

Built Environment Supply Chain Innovation Support

Aims to increase the level of innovation within the construction industry by connecting market opportunities with the relevant company-base and to encourage, stimulate and support innovative products which are aligned with real and current market needs


Ending this year

Construction Scotland Innovation Centre

Proposed Scottish initiative to create a dynamic innovation support body to facilitate new construction products and processes from inception through to market delivery to benefit Scotland PLC

Innovation Collaboration Cluster development Exports

In development


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