
Energy strategy: position statement

The Energy Strategy position statement provides an overview of our key priorities for the short to medium-term in ensuring a green economic recovery, whilst remaining aligned to our net zero ambitions, in the lead up to COP26.

Key Priorities for Energy

The table below sets out our key priorities for the coming months as set out in our Programme for Government and Climate Change Plan update.

Decarbonisation of Heat and Energy Efficiency

Enhance existing energy efficiency and zero emissions heat support programmes by continuing with the roll out of our £1.6 billion Heat in Buildings capital funding over the next parliament

Develop a successor to the Low Carbon Infrastructure Transition Programme (LCITP) offering a comprehensive range of financial and enabling support to large-scale heat decarbonisation projects

Establish a new Green Heat Finance Taskforce in early 2021 to provide advice and recommendations to Scottish Government on potential new financing models and routes to market

Develop and begin implementing a bespoke public engagement strategy for heat in buildings, in 2021

Set up a Heat Electrification Partnership with Scotland's electricity network operators to ensure that the upgrades required are delivered when and where they are needed

Respond to the recommendations from the Heat Pump Sector Deal expert group

Implement both a public engagement strategy and new supply chain action plan on energy efficiency and zero emissions heat

Local Energy

Renew our focus on developing local energy projects and models, including through CARES, supporting the achievement of 2GW of renewable energy being in Local or Community ownership by 2030

Establish an Expert Panel to consider and identify the most appropriate and sustainable use of bioenergy resources within Scotland

Introduce a new framework of support for energy technology innovation, delivering a step change in emerging technologies funding to support the innovation and commercialisation of renewable energy generation, storage and supply

Energy Transition

Continue to deliver of our £62 million Energy Transition Fund to support our energy sector as it transitions to net zero emissions by 2045

Develop and publish a Hydrogen Action Plan during 2021 following the publication of our Hydrogen Policy Statement at the end of 2020

Renew our calls for urgent action by UK Government to unlock investment in new pumped storage hydro capacity

Prepare to invest in process energy efficiency and decarbonisation projects, match-funded with manufacturing industries, in the first wave of the Scottish Industrial Energy Transformation Fund

Following its establishment, advance the workplan of the Grangemouth Future Industry Board, coordinating public sector initiatives to unlock potential investment - that boosts the economic development, innovation, longevity and competitiveness of the Grangemouth site

Carry out detailed research, development and analysis during 2021 to improve our understanding of the potential to deliver negative emissions from the electricity sector


Deliver the actions from our Offshore Wind Policy Statement, published in October 2020

Work on the refresh of our Onshore Wind Policy Statement

Press the UK Government to further reform and maintain the CfD mechanism in a manner which better captures the economic benefits and total value added for the Scottish and UK supply chains

Aim to create the necessary environment to ensure that consumer confidence in low carbon energy measures is strengthened and that there is fair access for all consumers

Continue to support the marine energy sector through the continuation of our internationally recognised Wave Energy Scotland programme, and leadership of the Scottish Marine Energy Industry Working Group


Where possible under our existing powers we will work closely with consumer groups, including the independent Energy Consumers Commission, to gather and act on feedback from consumers on any arising issues


Publishing a revised and updated Energy Strategy, reflecting our commitment to net zero and key decisions on the pathways to take us there



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