
Scotland’s Equality Evidence Strategy 2023-2025

This strategy sets out our approach to improving and strengthening Scotland’s equality evidence base over a three year period to the end of 2025.

8. Governance and Collaborations


Within the Scottish Government, responsibility for taking forward activity to tackle inequality sits with the Minister for Equalities and Older People. However, in order to achieve the collective ambitions set out in this strategy, action is needed across all Scottish Government ministerial portfolios and beyond. Analysts across Scottish Government who report to Scotland's Chief Social Researcher and Chief Statistician will be responsible for achieving actions set out in Annex D.

The first phase of the EDIP, which ran from April 2021 to March 2023, was governed by a project board, co-chaired by Scotland's Chief Social Researcher and Chief Statistician. The board included representatives from a range of public sector bodies with a key interest in mainstreaming equalities, including Convention of Scottish Local Authorities (COSLA), Equality and Human Rights Commission (EHRC), the Improvement Service (IS), and Public Health Scotland (PHS). The project board supported the design and delivery of projects during the first phase of the programme and provided strategic input into the development of this strategy.

Moving forward, the project board will continue to provide oversight and governance of the improvement work during the three year lifetime of the strategy. It will continue to meet quarterly and an update on progress on the improvement actions will be a standing agenda item on project board meetings.

An interim report, detailing progress towards the completion of the improvement actions, will be produced by the Scottish Government Equality Analysis team and published half way through the lifetime of the strategy – this interim report will be informed by analysts taking forward the improvement actions set out in the strategy. There will also be a progress report at the end of the strategy's lifespan and completion of the improvement actions will be key to the success of the programme.


The Scottish Government will work collaboratively with a range of stakeholders to improve the equality evidence base for Scotland.Throughout the period of the strategy, the Scottish Government will proactively seek the input of a number of groups including:

People with lived experience

The input of people with lived experience of intersecting characteristics and experiences structural inequality will be sought on a project-specific basis to ensure their experiences are used to inform and shape our work, and to ensure the same groups and individuals are not overburdened.

Equality advocacy organisations and networks

Equality advocacy organisations and networks may wish to express their views and ensure these are taken into account with respect to the characteristic they represent, and we welcome their involvement. Input from stakeholder organisations will be sought on a project-specific basis.

Public sector bodies

As collectors and users of equality data, collaboration with these bodies is vital to achieving the vision set out in this strategy. The Scottish Government often relies on data collected by local authorities and other public sector bodies to inform policy design and delivery, including a number of routinely used subject-specific administrative datasets.

To facilitate the sharing of data, the platform ProcXed is already used by local authorities, public bodies, health boards, alongside private companies and third sector groups. The purpose of ProcXed is to ensure data transferred from data providers to the Scottish Government is done so securely, and also provides quality assurance feedback on the data.

A number of actions to improve the equality evidence set out in Annex D rely on collaboration between the Scottish Government and other public sector bodies. As set out above, representatives of these group will be invited to join the Project Board for the strategy to ensure they have opportunities to input into the improvement actions being taken forward by the Scottish Government and share learning and good practice.

The general public

We recognise that the general public may want to express their views and ensure that these are taken into account in terms of the progress being made by the Scottish Government in improving the equality evidence base and the approaches taken to gathering new evidence. Groups most impacted by equality evidence collection will be engaged with, including those reluctant to provide data, to ensure their voices are heard. Regular posts on the Scottish Government Statistics blog will be published to update members of the public on this ongoing work.

Scottish Government analysts

A network of lead analysts from each analytical area was established during the first phase of the EDIP to support communications and engagement across the Scottish Government and ensure progress is made across the Scottish Government in delivering on this strategy. This network will continue throughout the lifespan of this strategy. The network includes a representative from each analytical area of the Scottish Government, and membership will be continually reviewed to ensure progress is made. The network will be required to provide updates on progress every six months. However, we will seek to ensure the process of providing progress is streamlined to ensure this does not detract from delivery.

Scottish Government policy professionals

Scottish Government policy professionals use equality data to inform policy and delivery. Officials will undertake engagement with and provide resources for policy professionals through events and materials produced as part of the Mainstreaming Strategy.

UK Government, ONS, and devolved administrations

Collaboration with the UK Government, ONS and other devolved administrations will be sought where possible and helpful. For example, we are aware that the Welsh Government have launched their Equality Evidence Strategy last year. We are keen to learn from the approaches taken to tackle shared challenges involved in improving the equality evidence base by the UK Government, ONS and devolved administrations. Likewise, the UK Government and ONS are the owners of a number of datasets used by the Scottish Government so their input will be sought on a project-specific basis as actions are implemented.

Academics and data experts

Academics and data experts hold valuable expertise on data collection, analysis and presentation. We are keen to learn from and showcase this good practice across the public sector. Additionally, input from academics and data experts be sought on a project-specific basis, including through the commissioning of research.

Regulatory and scrutiny bodies

Regulatory and scrutiny bodies will be contacted, where a need for input would be helpful. We will learn from and take on board their input to shape our approaches and actions throughout the lifespan of this strategy.

Local and national politicians

As users of equality evidence local and national politicians, we recognise that politicians may wish to provide their views on equality data gaps. We will take on board these views, consider actions to address these and provide updates on our progress.



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