
Scotland's Forestry Strategy 2019-2029: consultation draft

The consultation draft builds on and modernises the approach undertaken in previous strategies. It provides a 10-year framework for action to help achieve a 50-year vision for Scotland’s woodlands and forests.

7. Impact assessments

We are committed to assessing the impact of our proposals. A Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) has been undertaken in accordance with the Environmental Assessment (Scotland) Act 2005. The findings of this assessment are outlined in an SEA Environmental Report which is available as a separate document for public comment.

Partial assessments have also been carried out to consider how the draft strategy may impact on equality, the rights and welfare of children, socio-economic disadvantage, business (including third sector) and regulation. These partial assessments are also available as separate documents and this consultation seeks views on whether the partial assessments have identified all areas where there may be an impact. It also invites comments on whether there is a need for any amendments or additions to the draft/partial impact assessments, which we will use to inform the final impact assessments.

Q10. Would you add or change anything in the Equality Impact Assessment (which includes our assessment of the potential impact of the strategy on inequalities caused by socioeconomic disadvantage - Fairer Scotland Duty)?

Q11. Would you add or change anything in the Business and Regulatory Impact Assessment?

Q12. What are your views on the evidence set out in the Environmental Report that has been used to inform the assessment process?

Q13. Should any additional evidence sources be used in the Environmental Report? Please provide details.

Q14. What are your views on the predicted environmental effects as set out in the Environmental Report?

Q15. Do you agree with the conclusions and recommendations set out in the Environmental Report?

Q16. Please provide any other further comments you have on the Environmental Report.


Email: Bob Frost

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