
Scotland's forestry strategy 2019-2029: SEA post adoption statement

Ways in which the findings of the initial strategic environmental assessment (SEA) and the views expressed by consultees have been taken into account within Scotland's Forestry Strategy 2019-2029.

1 Background

1.1.1 Scotland's Forestry Strategy 2019-2029 sets out the Scottish Government's long-term vision for forestry in Scotland and was prepared in line with the Forestry and Land Management (Scotland) Act 2018, which requires Ministers to have regard to the strategy when exercising their forestry functions. The strategy is available online at

1.1.2 A draft strategy was prepared in 2018 and was subject to Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA). The associated Environmental Report was consulted on alongside the draft strategy. The consultation ended on 29 November 2018 (

1.1.3 The draft strategy identified a 50-year vision, three 10-year objectives and 10 priority areas for action. Following consultation, the 10 priorities were revised and rationalised down to 6. Neither the draft strategy, nor the final Strategy specify detailed actions for implementation, as further information will be provided in the associated implementation, monitoring and reporting framework that will be published within 12 months of laying the Strategy before the Scottish Parliament. 2 The Strategic Environmental Assessment Process


Email: Bob Frost

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