
Scotland's Forestry Strategy 2019-2029 draft: strategic environmental assessment (SEA)

Findings of the strategic environmental assessment (SEA) of the consultation draft of Scotland's Forestry Strategy 2019-2029.

8 Monitoring

8.1.1 Section 19 of the 2005 Act requires that the responsible authority monitors the significant environmental effects of the implementation of the PPS in order to identify any unforeseen adverse effects at an early stage and undertake appropriate remedial action. Given the range of indicators currently in use, and to avoid duplication, it is recommended that existing indicators are utilised.

8.1.2 A wide range of existing programmes are in place at the national and local level to report on environmental status and assess performance against established environmental indicators. Since the publication of the second Forestry Strategy, indicators have been developed which enable progress against the objectives to be judged[111]. These include indicators such as: area of native woodland, area of coniferous woodland and area of broadleaved woodland where timber production is a significant management objective.

8.1.3 Following the publication of this (the third) Forestry Strategy 2019-29 the Scottish Government will publish a detailed monitoring and reporting framework. A draft suite of progress indicators has been included within the draft Forestry Strategy to enable the Government to track progress against this Strategy's 10 year objectives and monitor forestry's contribution towards the Scottish Government's National Outcomes. Table 10 shows these possible indicators. The Government has asked for suggestions on monitoring received from respondents to the consultation to assist the process of finalising its approach to monitoring the implementation of the Strategy monitoring plan.

8.1.4 Therefore, it is anticipated that the outcomes from the SEA and in particular, key potential effects, can be monitored as an integral part of the monitoring of the Forestry Strategy itself as long as the monitoring takes place with the outcomes of the SEA also in mind. Further information on monitoring proposals will be set out in the Post Adoption SEA Statement.

Table 10: Proposed indicators

Forestry Strategy 10-year objectives

Possible progress indicators

Increase the contribution of forests and woodlands to Scotland's sustainable and inclusive economic growth

  • Contribution of woodlands, forests and the forest sector to the Scottish economy (GVA and jobs).
  • Volume of available wood fibre.
  • Area of woodland and forests.
  • Area of new woodland and forest creation.

Protect and enhance Scotland's valuable natural assets, ensuring that our forests and woodlands are resilient and contribute to a healthy and high quality environment.

  • Woodland contribution to Natural Capital Index[112].
  • Proportion of protected woodland and forests with natural features in favourable condition.
  • Area of new native woodland and forest creation.

Use Scotland's forest and woodland resource to empower more people to improve their health, well-being and life chances.

  • Numbers of visits to forests and woodlands.
  • Area of forests and woodlands that are owned by communities.


Email: Bob Frost

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