
Scotland's Forestry Strategy 2019-2029: consultation process

This report outlines the approach we took to the consultation and how the views expressed helped to inform the final content and structure of Scotland’s Forestry Strategy 2019-2029.

Annex 1

Membership of Forestry Strategy Reference Group

Professor Bill Slee
Bridget Campbell (Chair)
Charles Dundas
Professor Chris Quine
David Sulman
Francesca Osowska
Professor Jaboury Ghazoul
Jo O'Hara
Jon Hollingdale
Jonnie Hall
Katriona Carmichael
Keith Connal
Martin Gale
Richard Cooke
Sarah-Jane Laing
Shireen Chambers
Simon Rennie
Stuart Goodall
Terry A'Hearn
its Trefor Owen

James Hutton Institute
Scottish Government
Scottish Environment LINK
Forest Research
United Kingdom Forest Products Association and South of Scotland Economic Partnership
Scottish Natural Heritage
University of Edinburgh
Forestry Commission Scotland
Community Woodlands Association
National Farmers Union Scotland
Scottish Government
Scottish Government
Scottish Forest and Timber Technologies Industry Leadership Group
Association of Deer Management Groups
Scottish Land and Estates
Institute of Chartered Foresters
Central Scotland Green Network Trust
Confederation of Forest Industries
Scottish Environmental Protection Agency
Forest Enterprise Scotland


Email: Bob Frost

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