
Scotland's Forestry Strategy 2019–2029

Long-term framework for the expansion and sustainable management of Scotland's forests and woodland.


1. National Performance Framework (2018). The Scottish Government, Edinburgh

2. Getting The Best From Our Land: A Land Use Strategy For Scotland 2016–2021 (2016). The Scottish Government, Edinburgh

3. The UK Forestry Standard: The governments’ approach to sustainable forestry (2017). Forestry Commission, Edinburgh

4. Climate Change Plan: The Third Report on Proposals and Policies 2018–2032 (2018). The Scottish Government, Edinburgh

5. Scotland’s Biodiversity – a Route Map to 2020 (2015). The Scottish Government, Edinburgh

6. The Bonn Challenge (2011). International Union for Conservation of Nature, Washington, DC

7. Scottish greenhouse gas emissions 2016 (2018). The Scottish Government, Edinburgh

8. New Generation Plantations Platform. WWF (2007)

9. The Woodland Creation & Ecological Networks (WrEN) project (1997)

10. Saving Scotland’s Red Squirrels. Scottish Wildlife Trust (2011)

11. Scotland’s People and Nature Survey 2013/14. Commissioned Report No. 679 (2014). Scottish National Heritage, Inverness

12. The links between greenspace and health: a critical literature review (2007). Greenspace Scotland, Stirling

13. Landscape planning and stress (2003). Urban Forestry and Urban Greening 2(1), 1–18

14. Open Space and Social Inclusion: Local Woodland Use in Central Scotland (2004). Forestry Commission, Edinburgh

15. The Scottish Forestry Strategy: Progress Indicators (2015)

16. Urban health inequalities and the role of urban forestry in Britain: A review (2010). Forest Research, UK

17. Sustainable Development Goals – The Sustainable Development Agenda. United Nations (2016)

18. 100% Sustainable Timber Markets: The economic and business case. WWF (2016)

19. 50-year forecast of softwood timber availability. National Forest Inventory Statistical Analysis Report (2014). Forestry Commission, Edinburgh

20. Preliminary estimates of the changes in canopy cover in British woodlands between 2006 and 2015. National Forest Inventory Report (2016). Forestry Commission, Edinburgh

21. Roots for Further Growth: An economic strategy for Scotland’s Forest & Timber Technologies Sector to 2030 (2018). Scottish Forest & Timber Technologies Industry Leadership Group, Scotland

22. The future of energy in Scotland: Scottish Energy Strategy (2017). The Scottish Government, Edinburgh

23. Impacts of climate change on forestry in Scotland – a synopsis of spatial modelling research (2008). Forestry Commission Research Note, Forestry Commission Scotland, Edinburgh

24. Tree Health and Plant Biosecurity Expert Taskforce – Final Report (2013). Defra, London

25. Deer Management in Scotland – Report to Scottish Government November 2016. Scottish Natural Heritage (2017)

26. Controlling Rhododendron ponticum in the British Isles: an economic analysis (2004). Journal of Environmental Management 70, 323–332

27. Scotland’s Wild Deer: A National Approach. A 2014 review of the original 2008 policy document has set new priorities and challenges for 2015–2020. Scottish Natural Heritage (2014)

28. Scotland’s Biodiversity: It’s in Your Hands and 2020 Challenge for Scotland’s Biodiversity (2013). The Scottish Government, Edinburgh

29. The Scottish Soil Framework (2009). The Scottish Government, Edinburgh

30. Water Environment and Water Services (Scotland) Act 2003. The UK Government (2003)

31. The Proportion of Scotland’s Sites in Favourable Condition 2017. An Official Statistics Publication for Scotland (2017)

32. Demographic change in the Sparsely Populated Areas of Scotland (1991–2046) (2018). The James Hutton Institute, Dundee

33. Green space, urbanity and health: how strong is the relation? (2006). Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health 60(7), 587–592

34. Natural Environments – healthy environments? An exploratory analysis of the relationship between greenspace and health (2003). Environment and Planning A 35(10), 1717–1731

35. Natural Play: Making a difference to children’s learning and wellbeing (2011). Outdoor Play and Learning, West of England

36. National Planning Framework 3 (2014). The Scottish Government, Edinburgh

37. Central Scotland Green Network (2014)

38. Environmental Impact Assessment (2017). The Scottish Government, Edinburgh

39. Health and Safety at Work etc. Act 1974. The UK Government (1974)

40. The EU Water Framework Directive – integrated river basin management for Europe. European Commission (2016)

41. Scotland’s Economic Strategy (2015). The Scottish Government, Edinburgh

42. Economic Action Plan 2018–2020 (2018). The Scottish Government, Edinburgh

43. Scottish Climate Change Adaptation Programme (SCCAP) (2014). The Scottish Government, Edinburgh

44. Scottish Land Rights and Responsibilities Statement (2017). The Scottish Government, Edinburgh





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