
Future skills: action plan

Scotland's Future Skills Action Plan reaffirms the importance of skills in helping individuals reach their potential.

Supporting statements from Nora Senior - Enterprise and Skills Strategic Board Chair

The Strategic Plan of the Enterprise and Skills Strategic Board is a vision for the future with a 20 year horizon. Its ambition is that the whole enterprise and skills system drives sustainable and inclusive economic growth.

A key pillar of the Plan is its mission to improve future skills provision in Scotland, working towards a skills system that is more agile, responsive and flexible, and better matches the needs of both industry and learners, now and in the future.

The Board is keen to drive a culture of lifelong learning at all stages of an individual's career, including a stronger emphasis on work-based learning and supporting individuals to upskill and reskill. It is vital that Scotland's Future Skills Action plan builds on wider activity in the Future Skills Mission including defining meta-skills and implementing skills alignment.

I therefore warmly welcome the Scottish Government's publication of the Future Skills Action Plan's first phase and its common ambition for a skills system that can respond to the challenges and opportunities ahead. Its endorsement of the Strategic Board's recommendations underlines the increasingly shared vision and ambition for Scotland's skills system, and it is greatly encouraging that the plan has come about through close collaboration between the Scottish Government, Skills Development Scotland and the Scottish Funding Council.

The Plan represents an initial response to a long term and ambitious agenda, so I am delighted that Scottish Government has accepted our proposals and that we will be a partner in delivering the change required.

That growing culture of collaboration will be essential to fulfilling our shared goals. Promoting workplace innovation, effective leadership and a strong worker voice will also be vital in achieving lasting and sustainable change.

I look forward to continuing to work with the Scottish Government, its agencies and all of those who are engaged in and contribute to Scotland's skills system as Scotland's Future Skills Action Plan is delivered in the years ahead.'

Nora Senior, Chair of the Enterprise and Skills Strategic Board



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