
Scotland's Global Affairs Framework

The Global Affairs Framework sets out the values and principles underpinning the Scottish Government’s international work and the basis on which the Scottish Government will prioritise its international activity.


The Scottish Government’s ambition for the role that Scotland can play internationally is built on a values-based approach, consistent with our focus on fairness and inclusion at home. Our approach starts with an internationalist outlook based on cooperation. It builds on our long history of constructive engagement.

The Scottish Government’s international activity creates opportunities at home, broadens our horizons, attracts high-quality investment and ultimately benefits the people of Scotland. By being open, connected and making a positive contribution internationally, we give ourselves the greatest possible chance of building a successful country, able to recover from the setbacks of Brexit and COVID-19, and ensuring no one is left behind as we transition to a net zero economy.

The nature of international affairs means that governments need to be nimble and adapt to circumstances. That will characterise our approach. At the same time, our Global Affairs Framework has a consistent focus on:

  • good global citizenship
  • maintaining the closest possible relationship with the European Union
  • gender equality
  • climate crisis and climate justice
  • respect for human rights and the rule of law
  • the role of our international networks
  • Scotland’s culture.



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