
Scotland's International Framework: Canada engagement strategy (draft)

This is the draft version of our strategy for engagement with Canada. The final version was published in March 2017.

Strategic Objective 2 - Relationships and Partnerships

Aim: We will work with partners to share local knowledge and build bilateral relationships and networks. We will use these connections to create and shape opportunities of value to Scotland. We will continue to be a good global citizen, making distinctive contributions to addressing global challenges such as climate change, tackling inequality and promoting human rights.

Public diplomacy and governmental exchange

The Scottish Government is keen to promote a greater understanding of modern Scotland and the opportunities that our nation can offer Canada in the 21st century. Our One Scotland approach in Canada provides the capacity to pursue a programme of public diplomacy. This will make the best use of opportunities to promote a greater awareness of what modern Scotland has to offer in the areas of business, science and innovation, education and culture, while respecting our historic traditions. The federal nature of government in Canada coupled with the diversity of its provinces means that engagement can be targeted both at a Federal and Provincial level.

Diaspora engagement

Scottish culture has thrived across Canada, largely as a result of the large and passionate community of Canadians with an ancestral or cultural connection to Scotland. This community is complemented by a wider network of people who have business, academic or other professional connections that span the two countries. Many are willing to share their knowledge and expertise. The Scottish Government and its agencies will play a leading role in facilitating that exchange.

Research, innovation and entrepreneurship

Both Scotland and Canada have a worldwide reputation for research excellence particularly in the environmental and life sciences, ICT and energy technologies. Developing connections between research institutions in these areas will reinforce the growth of Scotland's knowledge economy.

In Canada we recognise a country that shares Scotland's view on the importance of values-based business to achieve our social and economic goals. This is an area in which Scotland and Canada will be able to share examples of best practice, both in terms of policy development and business practice, with social enterprise a priority area for engagement.

What is our long-term ambition?

  • Foster stronger governmental and legislative links between Scotland and Canada, promoting relations between the Canadian federal and provincial government and parliaments on topics of common interest and promote an exchange of best practice in policy development.
  • Raise awareness among Canadian provincial authorities and Canadian society more generally of what modern Scotland has to offer.
  • Strengthen links with the Canadian Government through the Canadian High Commission in London, and identify ways in which the knowledge, experiences and enthusiasm of the Canadian community in Scotland can be engaged in helping build stronger links with Canada.
  • Build new relations and strengthen existing links within the GlobalScot network in Canada and other networks with a strong affinity for Scotland.
  • Develop research and commercial collaborations between Scottish and Canadian academic institutions and companies.
  • Build on developing connections between Scotland and Canada in the field of social enterprise.


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