
Scotland's International Framework: India engagement strategy

Outlines key areas of engagement between India and Scotland.

Scotland's Commitment To A Strong, Long-Term, Bilateral Partnership With India

Why India?

With a population expected to reach 1.4 billion by 2025 [1] , India is the world's largest democracy and one of its future leading powers. It is a country which has seen significant urbanisation, social change and economic growth in recent years.

India has an unrivalled youth demographic, with 65% of the population 35 or under. [2] It is estimated that by 2030, one quarter of the global labour force will be Indian. [3] India's spirit of creativity and entrepreneurship, young ambitious workforce and digital agenda will ensure that the country continues to move at a fast pace.

As we build sustainable economic growth in Scotland, it is important that India remains a priority country for our international engagement. Scotland has expertise in areas of priority for India, such as education, skills, energy and water. We are committed to a partnership that has mutual benefit - allowing both countries to achieve their goals, whilst collectively reducing inequality.

It is critical that we directly engage Indian national and state governments, the Indian academic, business and cultural communities and civil society. Crucially, we want to connect with young Indians to show them what contemporary Scotland has to offer.

Find out more about current collaboration between India and Scotland

Collaboration between India and Scotland

Updated February 2016

Scotland's international ambitions

One of the key priorities of Scotland's Economic Strategy is internationalisation. Our co-operation with India fully supports this. The aims of internationalisation are defined in Scotland's International Framework:

  • to create an environment within Scotland that supports a better understanding of international opportunities and a greater appetite and ability to seize them; and
  • to influence the world around us on the issues that matter most in helping Scotland flourish.

Scotland's ambitions for working with India, complement these ambitions as well as the UN Sustainable Development Goals.

Strategic objectives for engagement with India

Our International Framework has four strategic objectives, to which our engagement with India is aligned. Our engagement reflects some of India's priorities, matched with Scotland's expertise. It also offers scope for Scotland to learn from India.


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