Scotland's Labour Market: People, Places and Regions - Statistics from the Annual Population Survey 2020/21

Summary publication of results from the Annual Population Survey 2020/21, presenting analysis on the labour market, education and training.

Other Sources

Access to Annual Population Survey data

Supporting data for all indicators at local authority level are available in the publication Scotland's Labour Market- People Places and Regions – Background Tables

Scottish Government Open Data Platform

It is also published on Nomis

A range of statistics from the Annual Population Survey are also published by the Office for National Statistics.

Monthly Labour Market Statistics

Monthly Labour Market statistics based on the ONS Labour Force Survey are published at: Labour market statistics

Including a Labour Market Trends and Labour Market Monthly brief published each month.

This additional monthly brief, published soon after Scotland's Labour Market Trends contains latest key statistics for Scotland from the ONS Labour Force Survey, Annual Population Survey, alternative claimant count and the claimant count and covers topics including:

  • Labour market outcomes for equality groups
  • Latest alternative claimant count and claimant count by age and local authority, for Scotland and the UK

Other labour market outputs

Youth labour market data (16 to 24 years) for Scotland

Latest Labour Market information for young people (16 to 24 years) in Scotland, sourced from the Annual Population Survey (July 2020 to June 2021) is published in a quarterly release.

Local authority youth labour market dashboard

Other SG labour market statistical publications

Quarterly Public Sector Employment

Annual Survey of Hours and Earnings

Disabled People in the labour Market in Scotland

Other topical publications can be found at:

Labour market statistics

Other policy measurement frameworks

The Annual Population Survey is used to form the evidence based in various Measurement Frameworks and outputs including:

National Performance Framework

A Fairer Scotland for Disabled People Employment Action Plan – Progress Report

Gender Pay Gap Measurement Framework



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