
Learning estate strategy

The Learning Estate Strategy and its guiding principles provide a platform for investment in the learning estate across Scotland and set out our strategic approach for managing the learning estate.

Guiding principles

The 2009, joint Scottish Government and COSLA School Estate Strategy: Building Better Schools set out 9 guiding principles to guide investment in both the existing and the new school estate. The underlying thinking behind these guiding principles is as relevant now as it was then. These guiding principles also apply equally across the wider learning estate.

The development of this new Learning Estate Strategy and its refreshed guiding principles both build upon and supersede those within the School Estate Strategy to reflect both experience since the original publication and to take a more holistic approach across the whole learning estate.

The guiding principles have been increased to 10 and will apply across the learning estate.

The Learning Estate Strategy Guiding Principles are:

1. Learning environments should support and facilitate excellent joined up learning and teaching to meet the needs of all learners;

2. Learning environments should support the wellbeing of all learners, meet varying needs to support inclusion and support transitions for all learners;

3. The learning estate should be well-managed and maintained, making the best of existing resources, maximising occupancy and representing and delivering best value;

4. The condition and suitability of learning environments should support and enhance
their function;

5. Learning environments should serve the wider community and where appropriate be integrated with the delivery of other public services in line with the place principle;

6. Learning environments should be greener, more sustainable, allow safe and accessible routes for walking, cycling and wheeling and be digitally enabled;

7. Outdoor learning and the use of outdoor learning environments should be maximised;

8. Good consultation about learning environments, direct engagement with learners and communities about their needs and experiences, and an involvement in decision making processes should lead to better outcomes for all;

9. Collaboration across the learning estate, and collaboration with partners in localities, should support maximising its full potential; and finally,

10. Investment in Scotland’s learning estate should contribute towards improving learning outcomes and support sustainable and inclusive economic growth.



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