
Coronavirus (COVID-19): Scotland's Long Covid service

This paper sets out the key elements that underpin our approach to care and support for people with long Covid.

Our response

Long COVID can be associated with a wide range of symptoms affecting many systems in the body. We know that for some people affected, this can at times present challenges in interacting with different systems and services. We recognise that there is a need to support navigation of care, to ensure that this experience is as straightforward and effective as possible.

This paper sets out our approach and commitments to supporting the health and wellbeing of people with long COVID. Our approach is based on maximising and improving co-ordination of the broad range of existing services across our health and social care system and third sector that are relevant to the spectrum of symptoms that people are experiencing.

Our approach is based on four key elements:

1. Supported self-management

2. Primary care and community-based support

3. Rehabilitation support

4. Secondary care investigation and support



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