
Coronavirus (COVID-19): Scotland's Long Covid service

This paper sets out the key elements that underpin our approach to care and support for people with long Covid.

What people with long COVID can expect from NHS Scotland

Long COVID can affect each person in different ways and at different times. As such, people might require different levels of support and resources in order to achieve their personal outcomes.

There are a range of sources of help and support in place across our health and social care services and the third sector to make sure that people get a person-centred response targeted to their needs.

Scotland's Long COVID Service
A diagram displaying the entry route into, and key elements of care associated with Scotland’s Long COVID Service. Starting point on the furthest left is a box titled ‘self assessment of symptoms’, with arrows from this point leading to the right to boxes titled either ‘self-management’ or ‘clinical assessment’. ‘Clinical assessment’ is connected by further arrows to the right to three boxes titled ‘Third Sector Support’, ‘Hospital/Specialist Care’ and ‘Rehabilitation’ respectively. These four elements are captured within a circle which contains the title ‘care co-ordination’.



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