
Coronavirus (COVID-19): Scotland's Long Covid service

This paper sets out the key elements that underpin our approach to care and support for people with long Covid.

Rehabilitation support

When the long-term effects of COVID-19 are significantly impacting on a person's day to day functioning, rehabilitation can provide support that is focussed on goals that are important to the person.

Rehabilitation can focus on a number of areas including,

  • mobility and getting around
  • managing daily activities
  • management of fatigue
  • swallowing or dietary problems
  • getting back to work

What people can expect:

  • An assessment of your abilities.
  • A discussion with your rehab therapist to agree goals that are both important to you and that are realistic and achievable.
  • A focus on physical health and/or mental health aspects of recovery.
  • A rehabilitation plan based on your goals.
  • This plan should be delivered as much as possible within a primary care setting. Where referral to specialist services is required there will be clear pathways to do this and clear communication with services, through your care co-ordinator.
  • Review and monitoring of goals, within a time period agreed between you and your rehab therapist.

Our commitments

  • We will build our understanding of current rehab services being delivered across NHS Boards in Scotland, including ICU/Critical Care, primary care & community care (exit out of and entry into services).
  • From this work, and underpinned by the priorities set out within the 'Framework for Supporting People through Recovery and Rehabilitation during and after the COVID-19 Pandemic', we will develop and implement a programme of work to deliver a 'Once for Scotland' rehabilitation pathway that will ensure everyone who requires rehabilitation will be able to access it.

Michelle's story

"I tested positive for COVID in October 2020, and by November I went to the Doctor because I wasn't getting back to normal. They did various blood tests and different things, which were fine, and they asked me if I wanted to go and see the Occupational Therapist based within the practice for a rounded approach to getting back to full health again.

I agreed, and I am glad I did because she has been an amazing help in my journey. I was able to get advice on how to manage my time and how to adapt to having to take a step back from my usual routine.

I've learned to listen to my body to manage my energy – the way that the Occupational Therapist described it was to think about it like a battery that has only got a limited amount of life in it. I wouldn't say I am yet quite back to 100%, but she has helped me to manage getting to where I am just now."

* July 2021 – source NHS Lanarkshire Primary Care Occupational Therapy service.



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