
Marine economic statistics 2017: corrected April 2020

Statistics on economic contributions of Scotland’s marine sectors present a time series of Gross Value Added (GVA), turnover and employment for industrial categories defined as part of the marine sector. This publication was originally published in October 2019 and was corrected in April 2020.

12. Other marine economic sectors

The information provided in this report is based on available, validated economic data sources. There are other sectors that contribute to the marine economy, such as offshore renewable energy and research and development (R&D). However, because relevant data is not readily available it has not been possible to include them in this report. The estimates within this report are therefore likely to provide a lower bound of the economic value of Scotland's marine economy.

The fishing section reports on commercial sea fisheries activity. This does not include the coastal netting for wild salmon and trout, which are not currently included within these Marine Economic Statistics. Direct GVA from angling and netting was estimated to be £26 million in 2014. Only netting would be relevant to these marine economic statistics.

Renewable energy has continued to grow in Scotland and marine renewable energy capacity has increased to 7% of installed renewable capacity in Scotland.[12] A number of offshore wind developments are under construction and some are now fully operational, including the world's first floating offshore windfarm, with further developments planned. However, while the capacity and generation are well documented, the financial information needed to estimate GVA specifically for the offshore elements of renewable energy is not yet available. In the coming year research is planned to explore the availability of specific marine, renewable energy related economic data in Scotland.

Seaweed harvesting is also a potential addition to the future marine economy statistics report when data and appropriate methods have been developed.



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