
Marine economic statistics 2017: corrected April 2020

Statistics on economic contributions of Scotland’s marine sectors present a time series of Gross Value Added (GVA), turnover and employment for industrial categories defined as part of the marine sector. This publication was originally published in October 2019 and was corrected in April 2020.

15. Tables

15.1 Economic Overview

Table 18: Economic Overview - Scotland's marine economic statistics by sector, 2017(6)
Industry sector GVA Turnover Employment5
GVA £M % of Scotland Marine Economy % of Scotland total economy4 Turnover at 2017 prices £M % of Scotland Marine Economy Sector Employment '000s5 % of Scotland Marine Economy % of Scotland total economy
Fishing1 316 6% 0.24% 582 5% 4.8 6% 0.19%
Aquaculture2 354 7% 0.27% 1,087 9% 2.2 3% 0.09%
Support for oil & gas 2,176 42% 1.63% 4,492 39% 17.8 24% 0.72%
Processing 392 8% 0.29% 1,790 15% 7.7 10% 0.31%
Ship building 572 11% 0.43% 1,561 13% 7.7 10% 0.31%
Construction and water transport services 591 11% 0.44% 722 6% 4.3 6% 0.17%
Passenger water transport 90 2% 0.07% 200 2% 1.1 1% 0.04%
Freight water transport 45 1% 0.03% 118 1% 0.5 1% 0.02%
Renting and leasing of water transport equipment 11 0.2% 0.01% 18 0% 0.1 0.1% 0.004%
Marine Tourism3 594 12% 0.45% 1,018 9% 28.3 38% 1.14%
Marine Total 5,140 100% 3.85% 11,587 100% 74.5 100% 3.00%
Scotland total4 133,409 2,488.2

Source: Marine Scotland, Scottish Annual Business Statistics, Office for National Statistics
Footnotes: Turnover and GVA adjusted for inflation based on 2017 price estimates.
1 - Fishing values taken from Marine Scotland Sea Fisheries Statistics, GVA estimated using Marine Scotland and Seafish Statistics.
2 - Aquaculture values taken from Marine Scotland Aquaculture Surveys, GVA estimated using Marine Scotland and DCF statistics.
3 - Marine tourism values include specific tourism SIC groups (See Annex A) within 100m of the coast.
4 - Scotland total GVA is from Quarterly National Accounts Scotland
Scotland employment is from Business Register and Employment Survey
5 - Employment figures are head counts (not adjusted to Full Time Equivalents).
6 - Figures corrected on 15th April 2020, for more information see Annex B section 17.11

Table 19 : Economic Overview - GVA time series by industry, 2008 to 2017, £ million (2017 prices)(4)
Industry sector 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017
Fishing1 184 233 205 242 231 206 286 225 313 316
Aquaculture2 110 131 166 178 160 224 259 113 221 354
Support for oil & gas 3,462 2,945 2,951 2,328 2,714 2,437 2,249 2,610 2,151 2,176
Processing 294 338 355 363 297 409 438 327 393 392
Ship building 238 549 551 540 499 442 540 451 209 572
Construction and water transport services 322 432 254 348 371 547 493 516 431 591
Passenger water transport 97 79 88 51 100 97 131 91 63 90
Freight water transport 150 114 170 192 155 78 87 86 69 45
Renting & leasing of water transport equipment 11 9 6 8 5 7 5 11 8 11
Marine Tourism3 462 364 419 436 482 554 580 499 565 594
Grand Total 5,331 5,194 5,165 4,686 5,014 5,000 5,069 4,928 4,421 5,140

Source: Marine Scotland, Scottish Annual Business Statistics, Office for National Statistics
Footnotes: GVA adjusted for inflation based on 2017 price estimates.
1 - Fishing GVA estimated using Marine Scotland and Seafish Statistics.
2 - Aquaculture GVA estimated using Marine Scotland and DCF statistics.
3 - Marine tourism GVA includes specific tourism SIC groups within 100m of the coast.
SABS categories for oil and gas services changed between 2010 and 2011. See section 17.7.
4 - Figures corrected on 15th April 2020, for more information see Annex B section 17.11

Table 20 : Economic Overview - Turnover time series by industry, 2008 to 2017, £ million (2017 prices)
Industry sector 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017
Fishing1 461 526 506 564 529 489 553 467 582 582
Aquaculture2 424 498 629 670 606 744 778 697 814 1,087
Support for oil & gas 6,914 7,308 6,354 6,093 6,342 6,503 7,108 7,004 4,567 4,492
Processing 1,260 1,651 1,626 1,399 1,429 1,669 1,772 1,630 1,638 1,790
Ship building 933 1,478 1,592 1,564 1,643 1,302 1,478 1,702 1,102 1,561
Construction and water transport services 549 614 458 604 870 1,043 854 880 684 722
Passenger water transport 317 381 265 390 335 373 345 227 176 200
Freight water transport 448 374 334 388 272 374 282 247 186 118
Renting & leasing of water transport equipment 21 21 12 14 12 12 13 18 14 18
Marine Tourism3 910 762 847 888 956 1,016 1,034 932 1,050 1,018
Grand Total 12,237 13,612 12,623 12,574 12,993 13,524 14,217 13,803 10,814 11,587

Source: Marine Scotland, Scottish Annual Business Statistics, Office for National Statistics
Footnotes: Turnover adjusted for inflation based on 2017 price estimates.
1 - Fishing values taken from Marine Scotland Sea Fisheries Statistics, GVA estimated using Marine Scotland and Seafish Statistics.
2 - Aquaculture values taken from Marine Scotland Aquaculture Surveys, GVA estimated using Marine Scotland and DCF statistics.
3 - Marine tourism values include specific tourism SIC groups (See Annex A) within 100m of the coast.
SABS categories for oil and gas services changed between 2010 and 2011. See section 17.7.
4 - Figures corrected on 15th April 2020, for more information see Annex B section 17.11

Table 21 : Economic Overview - Employment time series by industry, 2008 to 2017, '000s
Headcount '000s
2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017
Fishing1 5.4 5.4 5.2 5.0 4.7 5.0 4.8 4.8 4.8 4.8
Aquaculture2 1.8 1.8 1.9 1.8 1.9 1.9 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.2
Support for oil & gas 16.6 18.2 18.4 18.6 18.5 17.4 20 21.5 19.7 17.8
Processing 7.8 8.3 8 7.5 7.7 7.1 8 7.5 7.6 7.7
Ship building 6.9 6.9 7.1 7.2 7.1 7 7.3 7.2 7.2 7.7
Construction and water transport services 2.6 3.1 2.9 3.3 3.1 3.9 3.3 3.8 4 4.3
Passenger water transport 1.5 1.6 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.6 1.8 1.7 1.4 1.1
Freight water transport 0.7 0.7 0.5 0.5 0.6 0.6 0.9 0.6 0.5 0.5
Renting & leasing of water transport equipment 0.2 0.2 0.1 0.1 0.2 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1
Marine Tourism3 24.3 24.4 22.9 24.4 24.2 29.3 26.7 29.7 28.4 28.3
Grand Total 67.9 70.6 68.5 69.9 69.5 73.9 75.0 79.1 76.0 74.5

Source: Marine Scotland, Scottish Annual Business Statistics, Office for National Statistics
1 - Fishing values taken from Marine Scotland Sea Fisheries Statistics, GVA estimated using Marine Scotland and Seafish Statistics.
2 - Aquaculture values taken from Marine Scotland Aquaculture Surveys, GVA estimated using Marine Scotland and DCF statistics.
3 - Marine tourism values include specific tourism SIC groups (See Annex A) within 100m of the coast.
SABS categories for oil and gas services changed between 2010 and 2011. See section 17.7.
Employment figures are head counts (not adjusted to Full Time Equivalents).

Table 22 : Economic Overview - by local authority, 2016 to 2017 (2017 prices)(1)
Local authority GVA £M Turnover £M Employment '000s
2016 2017 2016 2017 2016 2017
Aberdeen City 1,917 2,039 3,984 3,867 18.5 16.9
Aberdeenshire 923 951 2,147 2,152 9.8 9.8
Angus 60 73 95 86 1.0 1.1
Argyll & Bute 115 135 286 332 5.3 5.2
City Of Edinburgh 42 35 106 102 1.4 1.4
Clackmannanshire * 1 * 2 * 0.0
Dumfries & Galloway 111 104 295 258 2.8 2.8
Dundee City 12 16 23 23 0.4 0.4
East Ayrshire * * * * * *
East Dunbartonshire * * * * * *
East Lothian 24 34 50 65 1.3 1.3
East Renfrewshire 1 * 1 * * *
Falkirk * * * * 0.7 0.7
Fife 140 141 532 531 4.8 4.7
Glasgow City -4 268 * * 4.5 4.4
Highland 206 257 546 625 7.8 8.9
Inverclyde 86 124 150 164 1.5 1.2
Midlothian * * * * * *
Moray 23 25 62 49 0.9 0.9
Na H-Eileanan Siar 23 44 100 125 2.2 1.4
North Ayrshire 51 61 107 104 1.8 1.5
North Lanarkshire 12 13 * * 0.2 0.2
Orkney Islands 29 35 67 68 0.9 1.3
Perth & Kinross 5 3 18 22 0.3 0.3
Renfrewshire 30 31 55 58 1.7 1.6
Scottish Borders 2 27 4 6 1.1 1.2
Shetland Islands 176 167 385 314 1.9 2.1
South Ayrshire 37 42 70 72 1.1 1.2
South Lanarkshire 9 12 * * 0.4 0.0
Stirling 13 15 21 24 0.5 0.7
West Dunbartonshire 4 8 10 17 0.2 0.3
West Lothian 2 3 6 7 0.1 0.1
Unallocated 373 477 1,695 2,514 3.0 3.1
Scotland total 4,421 5,140 10,814 11,587 76.0 74.5

Source: Scottish Annual Business Statistics and MS statistics. Marine totals are compiled from combined SABS SIC codes - see Annex A.
Notes: Turnover and GVA are adjusted for inflation based on 2017 price estimates.
Employment figures are head counts only (not adjusted to FTEs).
The methodology used to combine the SABS and other statistics has changed since the previous bulletin. Details of the changes and the new methodology are shown in Annex B: Methodology and source data, Notes about tables
Totals may not sum due to rounding.
* = Denotes disclosive data.
1 - Figures corrected on 15th April 2020, for more information see Annex B section 17.11

15.2 Sea Fisheries

Table 23 : Fishing - GVA and fishing income by Scottish vessels, by local authority, 2014 to 2017 (2017 prices)(1)
GVA (2017 prices)
Value of landings (2017 prices)
Local authority 2014 2015 2016 2017 2014 2015 2016 2017
Aberdeen City 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.4
Aberdeenshire 128.7 98.2 134.1 144.4 233.6 201.4 243.8 257.3
Angus 0.8 0.8 1.3 1.6 1.7 1.7 2.2 3.0
Argyll & Bute 11.5 11.2 14.2 13.3 25.5 23.6 27.9 26.6
Edinburgh, City Of 0.1 0.1 0.2 0.1 0.3 0.3 0.4 0.3
Dumfries & Galloway 6.9 8.0 8.0 9.3 17.1 16.5 18.0 17.7
East Lothian 1.3 0.9 1.5 1.7 2.9 2.2 2.9 3.2
Fife 1.8 1.5 2.4 2.9 4.5 3.9 4.8 5.8
Highland 17.2 26.2 30.3 25.1 36.7 55.7 60.8 51.6
Moray 5.7 4.4 7.5 7.6 15.3 12.5 16.4 16.2
Na h-Eileanan Siar 5.4 6.0 7.7 6.6 11.9 12.0 14.3 13.2
North Ayrshire 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.2 1.4 1.4 1.5
Orkney Islands 8.0 7.4 9.6 10.4 18.8 16.5 19.4 19.1
Scottish Borders 2.1 1.6 2.3 3.2 5.0 3.5 4.4 5.6
Shetland Islands 76.3 49.9 73.7 68.3 116.6 87.3 118.1 105.2
South Ayrshire 12.4 4.6 5.3 5.7 29.3 9.3 10.8 10.8
Unallocated 6.8 3.3 13.8 14.8 32.5 19.0 36.3 44.1
Scotland Total 285.7 225.2 313.0 316.1 553.0 467.1 582.2 581.6

Source: Marine Scotland Sea Fisheries Statistics, Seafish Fleet Economic Survey
Notes: Values adjusted for inflation based on 2017 price estimates. Seafish produced estimated GVA based on the vessel's registered port.
Where values became disclosive they were not reported to a local authority and are shown here as 'Unallocated'
1 - Figures corrected on 15th April 2020, for more information see Annex B section 17.11

15.3 Aquaculture

Table 24 : Aquaculture time series: GVA, production volume, value and employment, 2008 to 2017 (2017 prices)(1)


Year GVA £ Million Volume (Thousand Tonnes) Value £ Million Employment Headcount
Fin Shell Total Fin Shell Total Fin Shell Total Fin Shell Total
GVA Values calculated using mean GVA ratio between 2013 and 2016 2008 105 4.7 110 139 6.3 145 414.96 8.73 423.69 1,477 348 1,825
2009 126 4.7 131 151 6.6 158 489.29 8.73 498.02 1,416 345 1,761
2010 161 5.0 166 159 7.5 167 620.11 9.35 629.46 1,525 399 1,924
2011 172 5.8 178 163 7.3 170 658.87 10.77 669.64 1,467 343 1,810
2012 155 5.0 160 168 6.5 175 596.42 9.43 605.85 1,540 358 1,898
GVA values calculated using actual CEFAS annual DCF data 2013 219 5.0 224 169 6.9 176 734.73 9.51 744.24 1,531 333 1,864
2014 254 5.8 259 185 8.0 193 766.94 11.03 777.96 1,796 345 2,141
2015 106 6.3 113 180 7.5 188 686.27 10.49 696.76 1,833 344 2,177
2016 214 6.5 221 171 8.1 179 802.03 11.88 813.91 1,964 315 2,279
2017 346 8.3 354 197 8.7 206 1,074.51 12.35 1,086.86 1,916 328 2,244

Source: Marine Scotland Aquaculture survey statistics, DCF data
GVA and Value adjusted for inflation based on 2017 price estimates.
Values are rounded and so totals may not match exactly.
1 - Figures corrected on 15th April 2020, for more information see Annex B section 17.11

Table 25: Aquaculture time series: Atlantic salmon production value by SMR group, 2013 to 2017 (2017 prices)
Scottish Marine Region group Production value (£million)
2013 2014 2015 2016 2017
Argyll & Clyde 154 146 137 149 247
Orkney Islands 51 55 42 71 93
Outer Hebrides 162 141 104 157 187
Shetland Isles 162 194 163 180 216
North Coast & West Highlands 191 213 209 225 309
All Scotland 719 749 655 782 1,051

Source: Marine Scotland Aquaculture production surveys
Figures for West Highlands and the North Coast have been merged due to commercial confidentiality.
Prices have been adjusted for inflation based on 2017 price estimates.

Table 26 : Aquaculture time series: Mussel production value by SMR group, 2013 to 2017 (2017 prices)
Scottish Marine Region group Production value (£million)
2013 2014 2015 2016 2017
Argyll 0.81 0.61 0.38 0.71 0.69
Clyde 0.17 0.34 0.24 0.11 0.08
Outer Hebrides 0.67 0.52 0.90 0.97 0.49
Shetland Isles 5.53 7.42 6.97 7.56 8.15
West Highlands, Moray Firth & North Coast 1.43 0.75 0.62 0.94 0.68
All Scotland 8.61 9.63 9.10 10.28 10.09

Source: Marine Scotland Aquaculture production surveys and DCF data
Figures for West Highlands, Moray Firth and the North Coast have been merged due to commercial confidentiality.
Prices have been adjusted for inflation based on 2017 price estimates.

15.4 Marine Transport

Table 27 : Passenger water transport - Total passengers and vehicles carried, 2006 to 2017
2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017
Passengers 10,014 10,219 9,990 9,631 9,698 9,662 9,679 9,554 10,073 10,255
Vehicles 3,056 3,135 3,072 3,071 3,076 2,973 3,075 3,148 3,371 3,467

Source: Scottish Transport Statistics[14]

Table 28 : Freight water transport - All freight traffic through Scottish ports by Local Authority, 2008 to 2017(1)
Local authority Thousand tonnes
2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017
Aberdeen City 4,833 4,570 4,164 4,165 4,493 4,263 4,231 4,376 3,770 4,058
Aberdeenshire 955 889 1,187 1,137 1,105 1,061 1,453 1,530 1,214 1,349
Angus 609 423 512 488 518 588 601 493 504 444
Argyll And Bute 107 63 111 124 59 100 109 107 57 45
Clyde* 14,338 12,552 12,283 13,431 15,421 14,783 16,201 12,484 8,742 8,865
Dumfries And Galloway 4,118 3,749 3,652 3,918 4,425 4,501 4,407 4,712 5,097 5,235
Dundee City 978 810 962 929 842 815 517 515 534 566
Fife 39,235 36,788 34,506 28,034 25,505 26,492 24,775 27,268 27,651 27,722
Highland 9,683 9,408 10,560 11,052 9,107 10,126 9,026 6,857 6,914 7,377
Moray 102 105 108 113 90 110 74 83 91 79
Na H-Eileanan Siar 240 236 258 298 284 213 242 232 217 201
Orkney Islands 4,789 3,241 3,244 2,344 1,729 1,054 1,151 3,945 4,615 4,852
Perth And Kinross 141 125 103 74 62 60 61 63 33 31
Shetland Islands 15,198 11,808 11,862 10,760 12,082 7,250 8,055 6,915 6,837 5,809
South Ayrshire 1,020 812 1,307 546 418 575 478 388 416 351
Grand Total 96,346 85,580 84,818 77,413 76,138 71,992 71,381 69,968 66,972 67,275

Source: DfT Maritime and shipping statistics Table PORT0101
Note: Transport Scotland report freight tonnage through major and minor ports. These ports were assigned to local authorities. However, several ports in the Clyde region are only reported for statistical purposes as 'Clyde' and so the tonnage can't be allocated to the correct local authority. They are shown here under the Clyde heading, although this is not a valid local authority. Equally, Forth ports carry the highest tonnage of freight traffic, and the recording rules mean that the ports are assigned to Fife. Hence, no freight is recorded as carried through Edinburgh City local authority. Scotland totals for 2016 and 2017 include Scottish freight with an unspecified port
1 - Figures corrected on 15th April 2020, for more information see Annex B section 17.11.

Table 29 : Freight water transport - All freight traffic through Scottish ports by Scottish Marine Region, 2008 to 2017(1)
Scottish Marine Region Thousand tonnes
2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017
Argyll 6,443 5,654 5,957 6,184 5,600 5,846 6,456 5,704 5,543 6,183
Clyde 15,358 13,364 13,591 13,977 15,839 15,358 16,679 12,872 9,158 9,216
Forth & Tay 40,963 38,146 36,083 29,525 26,926 27,956 25,955 28,340 28,722 28,763
Moray Firth 3,079 3,642 4,458 4,768 3,274 4,082 2,214 943 1,175 892
North Coast 236 252 262 277 240 264 285 252 247 280
North East 5,704 5,367 5,271 5,218 5,517 5,235 5,608 5,844 4,918 5,347
Orkney Islands 4,789 3,241 3,244 2,344 1,729 1,054 1,151 3,945 4,615 4,852
Outer Hebrides 240 236 258 298 284 213 242 232 217 201
Shetland Isles 15,198 11,808 11,862 10,760 12,082 7,250 8,055 6,915 6,837 5,809
Solway 4,118 3,749 3,652 3,918 4,425 4,501 4,407 4,712 5,097 5,235
West Highlands 218 121 182 143 222 234 330 209 162 207
Grand Total 96,346 85,580 84,818 77,413 76,138 71,992 71,381 69,968 66,972 67,275

Source: DfT Maritime and shipping statistics Table PORT0101
Note: Transport Scotland report freight tonnage through major and minor ports. These ports were assigned to SMRs. Scotland totals for 2016 and 2017 include Scottish freight with an unspecified port
1 - Figures corrected on 15th April 2020, for more information see Annex B section 17.11.

15.5 Marine Tourism

Table 30: Marine tourism - GVA, turnover, employment, by SMR, 2014 to 2017 (2017 prices)(1)
Scottish Marine Region GVA £M Turnover £M Employment Headcount '000s
2014 2015 2016 2017 2014 2015 2016 2017 2014 2015 2016 2017
Argyll 35.3 26.1 26.9 26.2 66.0 48.8 47.3 44.7 1.6 2 1.7 1.7
Clyde 149.4 130.1 129.3 136.4 276.9 239.7 253.3 245.4 7.1 7.5 7.5 7.2
Forth and Tay 116.5 122.0 136.4 153.8 207.7 209.6 226.9 253.6 6.1 6.4 6.4 6.5
Moray Firth 65.2 49.5 61.7 74.5 111.2 95.4 121.6 126.6 3.1 3.5 3.4 3.4
North Coast 6.5 4.5 6.7 6.5 12.1 9.2 10.6 10.4 0.3 0.4 0.4 0.4
North East 48.0 50.8 39.6 46.7 83.5 96.3 74.3 84.1 2 2.2 2 2
Orkney Islands 8.4 5.3 16.5 13.6 15.4 10.5 27.8 21.7 0.6 0.7 0.6 0.7
Outer Hebrides 34.8 22.6 13.8 12.7 47.3 42.8 28.4 24.2 0.7 0.8 0.8 0.7
Shetland Isles 17.3 11.2 34.8 37.0 37.0 30.5 73.5 66.2 0.9 1.1 1 0.9
Solway 34.7 32.2 43.3 27.7 60.5 65.8 94.9 46.6 1.2 1.5 1.4 1.4
West Highlands 64.1 44.7 56.1 59.0 115.9 83.2 91.7 94.0 3 3.4 3.2 3.3
Grand Total 580.2 499.0 565.2 594.0 1,033.7 931.5 1,050.2 1,017.5 26.7 29.7 28.4 28.3

Source: SABS extract - SABS SIC codes were identified as being related to tourism and recreation. Then, all tourism businesses located in postcodes within 100 metres of the coastline were included as 'marine tourism'.
Employment figures are head counts (not adjusted to Full Time Equivalents)
GVA and turnover values are adjusted to 2017 prices
Totals may not sum due to rounding and disclosure control.
1 - Figures corrected on 15th April 2020, for more information see Annex B section 17.11.



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