
Marine economic statistics 2017: corrected April 2020

Statistics on economic contributions of Scotland’s marine sectors present a time series of Gross Value Added (GVA), turnover and employment for industrial categories defined as part of the marine sector. This publication was originally published in October 2019 and was corrected in April 2020.

5. Oil and gas services

5.1 Introduction

This section refers to the services that support the extraction of oil and gas, largely exploration and test drilling, but also looking ahead to oil and gas decommissioning, where there is substantial potential for economic growth. Oil and gas support activities are the largest contributors of turnover and GVA to the marine economy, although oil price changes tend to impact on the sector.

The SABS categories used to identify oil and gas services have changed in recent years. Since 2011, support services for oil and gas were extracted using the SIC code '09.1: Support activities for petroleum and natural gas extraction'. However, between 2008 and 2010 the code SIC '09 Mining support activities' was used to ensure statistics were not disclosive. The difference between statistics using the different SIC codes is insignificant, but it is important to note the change in coverage of the industry.

5.2 Key economic points

In 2017, oil and gas support services generated £2,176 million GVA: accounting for 1.63% of the overall Scottish economy and 42% of the marine economy GVA. Oil and gas support services provided employment for 17,800 people (headcount), 0.72% of the total Scottish employment and 24% of the marine economy employment.

5.3 Oil and gas services - trends

The oil and gas support services GVA has declined by 37% since 2008, though between 2016 and 2017 GVA increased by 1% (adjusted to 2017 prices).

From 2008 to 2017 employment increased by 7%, though it fell by 10% between 2016 and 2017.

Table 8 : Oil and gas services - GVA, turnover, employment and GVA per head, 2008 to 2017 (2017 prices)
Year GVA
GVA Per Head
2008* 3,462 6,914 16.6 208,535
2009* 2,945 7,308 18.2 161,814
2010* 2,951 6,354 18.4 160,377
2011 2,328 6,093 18.6 125,160
2012 2,714 6,342 18.5 146,687
2013 2,437 6,503 17.4 140,044
2014 2,249 7,108 20.0 112,463
2015 2,610 7,004 21.5 121,413
2016 2,151 4,567 19.7 109,164
2017 2,176 4,492 17.8 122,264

*SABS categories changed between 2010 and 2011. See introduction to this section and Annex B section 17.7.

Figure 9: Oil and gas services - GVA and employment, Scotland, 2008 to 2017 (2017 prices)
Figure 9: Oil and gas services - GVA and employment, Scotland, 2008 to 2017 (2017 prices)

Geographic breakdown of oil and gas services is not readily available



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