
Scotland's Marine Economic Statistics 2019

Statistics on the economic contributions of Scotland’s marine sectors in 2019. Includes a time series of Gross Value Added (GVA), turnover and employment for marine sectors. The supporting documents include: accessible tables, a summary topic sheet and a pdf version of the publication.

10. Renting & leasing of water transport equipment

10.1 Introduction

This class includes renting and leasing of marine passenger and freight transport equipment e.g. commercial boats and ships, without an operator. It excludes renting of pleasure boats, water-transport equipment with operator and financial leasing.

10.2 Key economic points

In 2019, renting and leasing of water transport equipment generated £15 million in GVA: accounting for 0.01% of the overall Scottish economy and 0.3% of the marine economy GVA.

The renting and leasing industry provided employment for around 200 people (headcount), contributing 0.01% of the total Scottish employment and 0.3% of the marine economy employment.

10.3 Renting and leasing – trends

From 2018 to 2019, the GVA from the renting and leasing industry (adjusted to 2019 prices) decreased by 5%, while the longer term trend from 2010 to 2019 showed that renting and leasing GVA increased by 139%.

From 2010 to 2019, employment increased by 100%, though the low numbers employed in the industry mean relatively small changes can generate large percentage differences. For the duration of the time series, employment in the industry sector has been between 100 or 200 people (headcount), which is at the limit of the accuracy of the SABS survey figures.

Table 15: Renting and leasing of water transport equipment GVA, turnover, employment and GVA per head, 2010 to 2019 (2019 prices)
Year GVA (millions of pounds) Turnover (millions of pounds) Employment headcount (thousands) GVA per head (pounds)
2010 6 12 0.1 61,141
2011 8 14 0.1 79,485
2012 6 13 0.2 27,764
2013 7 12 0.1 70,147
2014 6 13 0.1 55,816
2015 11 19 0.1 109,810
2016 9 15 0.1 86,214
2017 11 18 0.1 110,677
2018 15 27 0.2 76,586
2019 15 27 0.2 73,000
Figure 16: Renting and leasing of water transport equipment GVA and employment (headcount), Scotland, 2010 to 2019 (2019 prices)

10.4 Renting and leasing – by geography

Renting and leasing is a relatively small economic sector and so geographic breakdowns of the data are not available.



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