
Scotland's national action plan to prevent and eradicate FGM

The national action plan to prevent and eradicate Female Genital Mutilation (FGM) sets out the objectives, actions and responsibilities required to drive and deliver change.

Section 5 Next Steps


A National Implementation Group will be set up by the Scottish Government, to oversee the implementation of the agreed National Action Plan, and monitor its progress. The National Implementation Group will comprise representatives from the sectors and organisations with responsibility for actions and activities within the agreed National Action Plan. Each organisation will develop its own implementation plan, involving their FGM/ GBV Leads, local third sector and community development organisations, and representatives from communities potentially affected by FGM, as appropriate. This should include indicators to demonstrate progress towards output, outcomes and timescales.

Measuring our progress

Scottish Government will assess the progress in relation to the aims and the outcomes rather than the implementation of specific actions or activities measured and monitored by individual organisations. We want to demonstrate progress against these actions, moving ever closer towards our overarching aim of preventing and ultimately eradicating FGM altogether. It may be unrealistic to expect dramatic improvements in the short term as this issue requires significant and sustained step-change in policy, practice and societal attitudes and behaviours over the long term. However the more ambitious we are and the sooner we start, the greater the difference we will make to improve the lives of children, young girls, women and their families.

"This issue requires significant and sustained step-change in policy, practice and societal attitudes and behaviours"


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