Scotland's National Strategy for Economic Transformation: equality position statement

The equality position statement for Scotland’s National Strategy for Economic Transformation.

2. NSET Transformational Equality Policy Projects and Governance

The NSET has identified 6 programmes and 18 projects, underpinned by 77 actions. Those projects that are expected to make a particularly significant contribution to addressing and mitigating existing and potential future inequalities in Scotland's labour market and economy include:

  • Stimulate entrepreneurship by embedding first rate entrepreneurial learning across the education and skills systems;
  • Create a world class entrepreneurial infrastructure with institutions and programmes to provide a high intensity pathways for high growth companies;
  • Adapting the education and skills system to make it more agile and responsive to our economic needs and ambitions;
  • Support and incentivise people, and their employers, to invest in skills and training throughout their lives;
  • Expand Scotland's available labour pool, at all skills levels;
  • Tackle poverty through fairer pay and conditions;
  • Eradicate structural barriers to participating in the labour market; and
  • Realise the different economic and community assets and strengths of Scotland's regions.

To ensure progress towards our vision for 2032, we will restructure the Enterprise and Skills Strategic Board so that it becomes the National Strategy for Economic Transformation (NSET) Delivery Board. The newly structured Board will be co-chaired by the Cabinet Secretary for Finance and the Economy and a figure from the private sector, include worker representatives, and hold to account both the public sector and business partners for the delivery of the strategy.

Detailed delivery plans will be finalised within six months of publication of the strategy, setting out how the projects will be taken forward. Given the importance of tackling structural inequalities, the impacts of the strategy's projects on equality groups will be a key consideration in delivery over the next ten years, supported by the Wellbeing Economy Monitor. We will publish an annual progress report from the NSET Delivery Board, which will include equalities monitoring. We will also ensure that our skills programme emphasises the importance of businesses and skills providers capturing equalities information to understand the diversity of the workforce and the reach of service provision.



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