
Scotland's National Strategy for Economic Transformation: equality position statement

The equality position statement for Scotland’s National Strategy for Economic Transformation.

8. Conclusion

Our vision for 2032 is for Scotland to be a wellbeing economy, thriving across economic, social and environmental dimensions. To be truly transformational and ensure that Scotland's economy benefits all of Scotland's people, achieving this vision will be done in a way that tackles inequality and advances equality for people with protected characteristics, as well as other disadvantaged groups, in our society.

The evidence and stakeholder feedback presented in this Equality Position Statement have informed the development of NSET Programmes of Actions and Projects that underpin them. We will continue to use, build and understand the evidence on equalities to support policy development as we finalise the detailed NSET delivery plans and implement the strategy over the next 10 years. EQIAs will be progressed for the individual policies put in place to deliver the NSET as they are developed by policy teams. Our delivery plans will be linked to the forthcoming Scottish Government Resource Spending Review (RSR) and the RSR will also include equality impact assessments.

We commit to establishing a Centre of Expertise in Equality and Human Rights within the Scottish Government, advancing our understanding and embedding equality and human rights within the economic policy-making process.

The NSET Delivery Board will oversee the successful implementation of the commitments and policies set out in the strategy. We commit to publish an annual progress report that will include equalities monitoring, will help to advance equality and where gaps in the available evidence are identified, we will take action to continue to improve our evidence base.

This Position Statement, and the ongoing gathering of relevant evidence, will provide a framework to support the development of specific Equality Impact Assessments so that policy officials can identify the anticipated impacts of NSET projects and actions on equalities groups and where any negative impacts emerge will take appropriate mitigating actions. Our ambition for a fairer, more equal society and our actions to remove the barriers that many of Scotland's people face in our economy are a vital component of building the fairer, wealthier and greener wellbeing economy we seek.

Sign off

Date: 21 February 2022
Name: Dr Gary Gillespie
Job title: Chief Economist



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