
Scotland's National Strategy for Economic Transformation: equality position statement

The equality position statement for Scotland’s National Strategy for Economic Transformation.


1. SNP 2021 Manifesto: Scotland's Future, Scotland's Choice — Scottish National Party

2. People with protected characteristics, including sex, ethnicity, disability and age; people with health issues, socio-economic disadvantage and those living in the most deprived communities and rural and island communities.

3. Equality Budget Advisory Group: recommendations for equality and human rights budgeting - 2021-2026 parliamentary session - (

4. NSET Evidence Paper

5. Equality Data Improvement Programme (EDIP) project board - (

6. Coronavirus (COVID-19): impact on equality (research) - (

7. Coronavirus (COVID-19): impact on equality (research) - (

8. Just Transition Commission Interim Report - (

9. Women and the Net Zero Economy - A transition toolkit for businesses with global supply chains (; Women and Economic Dimensions of Climate Change - ScienceDirect.

10. Climate Change (Emissions Reduction Targets) (Scotland) Act 2019 (

11. Just Transition Commission Interim Report - (

12. Economic Recovery Implementation Plan: Scottish Government response to the Advisory Group on Economic Recovery - (

13. Towards a Robust, Resilient Wellbeing Economy for Scotland: Report of the Advisory Group on Economic Recovery - (

14. Annual Population Survey, 2021

15. DWP, Economic Labour Market Status of Individuals Aged 50 and Over, Trends Over time: September 2021

16. Scottish Science Advisory Council. Reaction to the UK Government Office for Science Foresight report "Future of an Ageing Population". Edinburgh: Scottish Science Advisory Council

17. National Records Scotland, Population Projection for Scottish Areas

18. If not now, when? - Social Renewal Advisory Board report: January 2021 - (

19. Scotland's Labour Market: People, Places and Regions - Statistics from the Annual Population Survey 2020/21 - (

20. If not now, when? - Social Renewal Advisory Board report: January 2021 - (

21. Scottish household survey 2019: annual report - (

22. A Fairer Scotland for Older People: A Framework for Action (

23. A Fairer Scotland for Older People: A Framework for Action (

24. A Fairer Scotland for Older People: A Framework for Action (

25. A Fairer Scotland for Older People: A Framework for Action (; Older People and Employment in Scotland: research. An examination of attitudes and issues surrounding an older workforce. Scottish Government, 2017

26. Scotland's Labour Market: People, Places and Regions - Statistics from the Annual Population Survey 2020/21 - (

27. Scotland's Labour Market: People, Places and Regions - Statistics from the Annual Population Survey 2020/21 - (

28. 'Scarring' refers to the idea that people could face reduced pay and reduced employment prospects even after the economy has recovered.

29. Annual survey of hours and earnings: 2021 - (

30. Wealth and assets: analysis 2006 to 2018 - (

31. UK_Inequality_Briefing.pdf (; Sector shutdowns during the coronavirus crisis: which workers are most exposed? - Institute For Fiscal Studies - IFS

32. EMP17: People in employment on zero hours contracts - Office for National Statistics (; Scotland's Labour Market: People, Places and Regions - Statistics from the Annual Population Survey 2020/21 - (

33. Scotland's Labour Market: People, Places and Regions - Statistics from the Annual Population Survey 2020/21 - (

34. Scotland's Labour Market: People, Places and Regions - Statistics from the Annual Population Survey 2020/21 - (

35. NSET Evidence Paper

36. Scotland's Labour Market: People, Places and Regions - Statistics from the Annual Population Survey 2020/21 - (

37. Scotland's Labour Market: People, Places and Regions - Statistics from the Annual Population Survey 2020/21 - (

38. Underemployment refers to those who are in work but would prefer to work more hours in their current job (at their basic rate of pay), in an additional job or in a new job with longer hours to replace their current job. This provides a measure of underutilisation of labour.

39. Scotland's Labour Market: People, Places and Regions - Statistics from the Annual Population Survey 2020/21 - (

40. NSET Evidence Paper The equivalent TEA rates for other regions for this age group are: England (9.4%), Wales (9.3%) and Northern Ireland (7.6%).

41. Follow-the-money.pdf (

42. Our Tackling Child Poverty Delivery Plan has identified six priority family types at higher risk of poverty: Lone parent families, the large majority of which are headed by women; Families which include a disabled adult or child; Larger families; Minority ethnic families; Families with a child under one year old; Families where the mother is under 25 years of age.

43. Disabled people in the labour market in Scotland - (

44. A Fairer Scotland for Older People: A Framework for Action (

45. Fairer Scotland for disabled people - employment action plan: progress report - year 2 - (

46. Scotland's Labour Market: People, Places and Regions - Statistics from the Annual Population Survey 2020/21 - (

47. The disability employment gap is the difference between the employment rate of Equality Act disabled people (as defined by the Equality Act 2010) and the employment rate of non-disabled people.

48. Labour market monthly briefing: January 2022 - (

49. Fairer Scotland for disabled people - employment action plan: progress report - year 2 - (

50. Work-and-Wellbeing-Discussion-Paper-1.pdf (; Coronavirus (COVID-19): impact on equality (research) - (

51. Disabled people in the labour market in Scotland - (

52. Small Business Survey reports - GOV.UK ( Sole traders are defined as businesses with only one owner. This figure includes small and medium enterprises with employees only (i.e. between 1 and 249 employees).

53. How flexible hiring could improve business performance and living standards | JRF; If not now, when? - Social Renewal Advisory Board report: January 2021 - (

54. Tackling Child Poverty Delivery Plan: Third Year Progress Report (2020-21): Annex B: Child Poverty in Families with a Disabled Adult or Child (

55. Tackling Child Poverty Delivery Plan: Third Year Progress Report (2020-21): Annex B: Child Poverty in Families with a Disabled Adult or Child (

56. not-now-social-renewal-advisory-board-report.pdf (; Economic Impact of Coronavirus Led Labour Market Effects on Individuals and Households; Tackling child poverty: third year progress report 2020-2021 - (

57. Disabled people in the labour market in Scotland - (

58. Fairer Scotland for disabled people - employment action plan: progress report - year 2 - (

59. Tackling child poverty: third year progress report 2020-2021 - (

60. Summary Statistics for Attainment and Initial Leaver Destinations, No. 3: 2021 Edition - (; If not now, when? - Social Renewal Advisory Board report: January 2021 - (

61. Tackling child poverty: third year progress report 2020-2021 - (

62. Locked out of the labour market (; An unequal crisis - Citizens Advice; Equality Advisory and Support Service (; Poverty and Covid-19 - Social Metrics Commission; The COVID Decade: understanding the long-term societal impacts of COVID-19 | The British Academy; Disabled mothers three times more likely to have lost work during the pandemic - Womens Budget Group (; Poverty in Scotland 2020 | JRF; Fairer Scotland for disabled people - employment action plan: progress report - year 2 - (; Which jobs are most likely to have seen a drop in pay during the pandemic? - Office for National Statistics (; Disability+Infographic+16-64+Final+Version+-+PDF.pdf ( | Covid+and+Inequalities+Final+Report+For+Publication+-+PDF.pdf (

63. Coronavirus and redundancies in the UK labour market - Office for National Statistics (

64. Coronavirus and the social impacts on disabled people in Great Britain: September 2020 (

65. UK Poverty 2020/21 | JRF

66. UK Poverty 2020/21 | JRF

67. Locked out of the labour market (

68. Stonewall | LGBT in Britain - Trans Report (2017) (; Trans People and Work in Scotland (

69. Inclusion at work: Perspectives on LGBT+ working lives (; National LGBT Survey: Summary report - GOV.UK (; Stonewall | LGBT in Britain - Trans Report (2017) (; trans_mh_study.pdf (; Trans-People-and-Work-Executive-Summary-LGBT-Health-Aug-2021-FINAL.pdf (

70. Trans People and Work in Scotland (

71. trans_mh_study.pdf (

72. Inclusion at work: executive summary (

73. National LGBT Survey: Summary report - GOV.UK (

74. (PDF) Listen carefully: transgender voices in the workplace (

75. Supporting trans employees in the workplace | Acas; Trans People and Work in Scotland (

76. Trans People and Work in Scotland (

77. Poverty and Income Inequality in Scotland 2017-20 (

78. Poverty and Income Inequality in Scotland 2016-19 - (

79. Scottish household survey 2018: annual report - (

80. Tackling child poverty priority families overview - (

81. Coronavirus (COVID-19): impact on equality (research) - (

82. Project Title (

83. Project Title (

84. The issue of child poverty is discussed in more detail in the NSET Evidence Paper, however, we recognise that there are instances during pregnancy and early months of maternity that are likely to drive child poverty further. An intersectional approach should therefore be taken to consider the relationship between child poverty and pregnancy and maternity.

85. Every Child, Every Chance: The Tackling Child Poverty Delivery Plan 2018-22: Annex 3 – Equality Impact Assessment (

86. Tackling child poverty delivery plan 2018-2022: annex 3 - (

87. Microsoft Word - The Motherhood Pay Penalty key findings in new template RS SH SB.docx (; Mothers suffer big long-term pay penalty from part-time working - Institute For Fiscal Studies - IFS; wcms_371804.pdf (

88. BN223.pdf (

89. Every Child, Every Chance: The Tackling Child Poverty Delivery Plan 2018-22: Annex 3 – Equality Impact Assessment (

90. Every Child, Every Chance: The Tackling Child Poverty Delivery Plan 2018-22: Annex 3 – Equality Impact Assessment (

91. Every Child, Every Chance: The Tackling Child Poverty Delivery Plan 2018-22: Annex 3 – Equality Impact Assessment (

92. Covid+and+Inequalities+Final+Report+For+Publication+-+PDF.pdf (; Scottish household survey 2018: annual report - (; Scottish household survey 2018: annual report - (

93. not-now-social-renewal-advisory-board-report (1).pdf (

94. Coronavirus (COVID-19): impact on equality (research) - (; Covid+and+Inequalities+Final+Report+For+Publication+-+PDF.pdf (

95. 'Interrupted' is defined as doing at least one work and one non-work activity during an hour-long slot.

96. Microsoft Word - BN290-Mothers-and-fathers-balancing-work-and-life-under-lockdown.docx (

97. Women doing more childcare under lockdown but men more likely to feel their jobs are suffering (

98. Annual Population Survey, ONS

99. Scotland's Labour Market: People, Places and Regions – background tables and charts - (

100. If not now, when? - Social Renewal Advisory Board report: January 2021 - (

101. If not now, when? - Social Renewal Advisory Board report: January 2021 - (

102. Poverty and Income Inequality in Scotland 2017-20 (

103. Poverty and Income Inequality in Scotland 2017-20 (

104. Housing needs of minority ethnic groups: Evidence review

105. fFairer Scotland for disabled people - employment action plan: progress report - year 2 - (

106. The Minority Ethnic Employment Gap is the difference between the employment rate of white people and the employment rate of minority ethnic people.

107. Annual Population Survey, ONS, 2004-2020

108. 'White' includes 'White Polish' and 'White Gypsy' who also experience disadvantage.

109. 'Minority ethnic' includes all categories outside the white population.

110. Scotland's Labour Market: People, Places and Regions - Statistics from the Annual Population Survey 2020/21 - (

111. Scotland's Labour Market: People, Places and Regions - Statistics from the Annual Population Survey 2020/21 - (

112. Total Early-stage Entrepreneurial Activity

113. Economic Impact of Coronavirus Led Labour Market Effects on Individuals and Households, Communities Analysis Division, Scottish Government, April 2020; Annual Population Survey, ONS, 2020.

114. If not now, when? - Social Renewal Advisory Board report: January 2021 - (

115. If not now, when? - Social Renewal Advisory Board report: January 2021 - (

116. Coronavirus (COVID-19): impact on equality (research) - (

117. Poverty and Income Inequality in Scotland 2017-20 (

118. Scotland's Labour Market: People, Places and Regions – background tables and charts - (

119. To note, sample sizes for these religious groups are small, resulting in less precise estimates. Scotland's Labour Market: People, Places and Regions – background tables and charts - (

120. Covid+and+Inequalities+Final+Report+For+Publication+-+PDF.pdf (

121. Gender Pay Gap Action Plan: Analytical Annex (; A fairer Scotland for women: gender pay gap action plan - (

122. Gender Pay Gap Action Plan: Analytical Annex (

123. A Fairer Scotland for Older People: framework for action - (

124. If not now, when? - Social Renewal Advisory Board report: January 2021 - (

125. If not now, when? - Social Renewal Advisory Board report: January 2021 - (; Scotland's Labour Market: People, Places and Regions - Statistics from the Annual Population Survey 2020/21 - (; NSET Evidence Paper

126. Tackling child poverty delivery plan 2018-2022: annex 3 - (

127. Tackling child poverty delivery plan 2018-2022: annex 3 - (

128. Gender Pay Gap Action Plan: Analytical Annex (

129. Gender Pay Gap Action Plan: Analytical Annex (

130. Scotland's Labour Market: People, Places and Regions - Statistics from the Annual Population Survey 2020/21 - (

131. If not now, when? - Social Renewal Advisory Board report: January 2021 - (

132. Gender Pay Gap Action Plan: Analytical Annex (

133. A fairer Scotland for women: gender pay gap action plan - (

134. The Gender Pay Gap is calculated as the difference between the average hourly earnings (excluding overtime) for men and women as a proportion of the average hourly earnings (excluding overtime) for men.

135. Annual survey of hours and earnings: 2021 - (

136. Scotland's Labour Market: People, Places and Regions - Statistics from the Annual Population Survey 2020/21 - (

137. Scotland's Labour Market: People, Places and Regions - Statistics from the Annual Population Survey 2020/21 - (

138. NSET Evidence Paper

139. NSET Evidence Paper

140. Coronavirus (COVID-19): impact on equality (research) - (

141. If not now, when? - Social Renewal Advisory Board report: January 2021 - (

142. If not now, when? - Social Renewal Advisory Board report: January 2021 - (

143. If not now, when? - Social Renewal Advisory Board report: January 2021 - (

144. If not now, when? - Social Renewal Advisory Board report: January 2021 - (

145. Our Tackling Child Poverty Delivery Plan has identified six priority family types at higher risk of poverty: Lone parent families, the large majority of which are headed by women; Families which include a disabled adult or child; Larger families; Minority ethnic families; Families with a child under one year old; Families where the mother is under 25 years of age.

146. Sexual orientation in Scotland 2017: summary of evidence base - (

147. Inclusion at work: Perspectives on LGBT+ working lives (; Sexual orientation in Scotland 2017: summary of evidence base - (

148. Lesbian, Gay and Bisexual employees' experience of discrimination, bullying and harassment at work - ReShare (

149. Inclusion at work: Perspectives on LGBT+ working lives (

150. Inclusion at work: Perspectives on LGBT+ working lives (

151. LGBT workplace discrimination: Learning from lived experiences | McKinsey



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