Scotland's National Strategy for Economic Transformation (NSET) – Programme 2: New Market Opportunities Equality Impact Assessment (Record and Results)

Summary of results for the Equality Impact Assessment (EQIA) undertaken to consider the impacts on equality of Scotland’s National Strategy for Economic Transformation Programme 2, New Market Opportunities.

Annex A

Table 1: EQIA position for New Market Opportunities, Programme 2

Table 1 below sets out the position where:

  • there is an existing EQIAs, these will be reviewed regularly as new evidence and data emerges, and
  • there is no EQIA at this stage, EQIAs will be undertaken at a later date as policy develops.

Therefore, stages 2, 3 and 4 of this programme level EQIA are a highlight of findings, with further in-depth information on the impact of each of the projects on people with Protected Characteristics being available as follows:

Project 5:

Action 20:

EQIA position: EQIA available at

Actions 21 & 22:

EQIA position: EQIA will be conducted for the Innovation Strategy.

Actions 23 & 24:

EQIA position: EQIA will be conducted as the project develops and published when available.

Actions Action 78:

EQIA position: EQIA has been conducted, and will be published as soon as possible.

Project 6:

Action 25:

EQIA position: EQIAs available at Coronavirus (COVID-19): manufacturing sector guidance - EQIA - (

Supporting documents - Manufacturing - recovery plan: equalities impact assessment - (

LCMCF - Equality Impact Assessment - EQIA Record - final version - consulted on details - Objective ECM (

Actions 26 & 27:

EQIA position: EQIA will be conducted as the project develops and published when available.

Project 7:

Actions 28, 29, 30,31:

EQIA position: EQIA available at



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