Scotland's National Strategy for Economic Transformation – Programme 3: Productive Businesses and Regions Equality Impact Assessment (Record and Results)

Summary of results for the Equality Impact Assessment (EQIA) undertaken to consider the impacts on equality of Programme 3 of Scotland’s National Strategy for Economic Transformation.

Key Findings

All projects within Programme 3 of the NSET have been impact assessed and our evidence shows[11] that impacts are largely neutral or positive. However, due to the current lack of data available on a regional basis, it has been noted that more detailed analysis will be required going forward. On that basis, all EQIAs will be kept under close review to ensure the requirements of the PSED are met.

The following has been found through undertaking this EQIA process:

  • Project 8, through improvements to transport and digital connectivity, offers a positive impact for older and younger people reliant upon public transportation;
  • Project 9, through improvements to productivity, offers those such as the elderly and those with caring responsibilities the opportunity to work in a manner more suited to their lifestyles;
  • Project 10, through improvements to Scotland's regions and communities, offers a positive impact for those disadvantaged by location.

Project 8

This project may particularly positively affect elderly, young people and disabled people as they are more reliant on public transport due to their mobility issues and wider socio-economic factors.

It may help advance equality of opportunity by improving accessibility to both digital and transport connectivity which will, in turn, see the removal of barriers that prevent wider participation.

Existing EQIA for digital connectivity shows there is a recognised risk that digital systems, whilst beneficial to the majority, may not be as accessible to all and in particular to older people who are less likely to use the internet. We will therefore take steps to ensure that our digital and IT investments leave no one behind, irrespective of their level of comfort and knowledge with IT and digital communications.

Project 9

This project may particularly positively affect elderly, young people, disabled people and those with caring responsibilities.

It may help advance equality of opportunity by improving productivity and promoting alterations in how work is carried out in Scotland which, in turn, will increase accessibility through opening up the labour market to fit around wider individual requirements.

Going forward, this Project will assure that all developments to Scotland's labour market are carried out in a manner that benefits all by making it more accessible.

Project 10

This project may particularly positively impact those who are disadvantaged by location, including minority ethnic households that are more likely than others to live in the most deprived areas of Scotland.

It may help advance equality of opportunity by realising Scotland's regional and community assets and offer community growth which should provide wider benefit to those living within those areas.

Going forward, this Project will assure that greater consideration is given to how regional growth directly and indirectly impacts upon people with protected characteristics, and will engage with Scotland's regional partners and wider stakeholders to achieve this.



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