Scotland's National Strategy for Economic Transformation – Programme 3: Productive Businesses and Regions Equality Impact Assessment (Record and Results)

Summary of results for the Equality Impact Assessment (EQIA) undertaken to consider the impacts on equality of Programme 3 of Scotland’s National Strategy for Economic Transformation.

Stage 3: Assessing the impacts and identifying opportunities to promote equality

Do you think that the policy impacts on people because of their age?
Age Positive Negative None Reasons for your decision
Eliminating unlawful discrimination, harassment and victimisation X Project 8: The delivery of Project 8 considers people in Scotland. Whilst it does not directly address unlawful discrimination, the delivery of Project 8 may indirectly help address and mitigate against discrimination, harassment and victimisation of people within this protected characteristic.
X Project 9: The delivery of Project 9 considers people in Scotland. Whilst it does not directly address unlawful discrimination, the delivery of Project 9 may indirectly help address and mitigate against discrimination, harassment and victimisation of people within this protected characteristic.
X Project 10: The delivery of Project 10 considers people in Scotland. Whilst it does not directly address unlawful discrimination, the delivery of Project 10 may indirectly help address and mitigate against discrimination, harassment and victimisation of people within this protected characteristic.
Advancing equality of opportunity X Project 8: The provision of connectivity services in the digital and connectivity landscape should reduce barriers for wider participation, in particular for those who rely on public transportation.
X Project 9: Through the removal of employment barriers for people there is an opportunity for increased access to, and increased awareness of, flexible employment opportunities and reduced working hours.
X Project 10
Promoting good relations among and between different age groups X Project 8
X Project 9
X Project 10
Do you think that the policy impacts disabled people?
Disability Positive Negative None Reasons for your decision
Eliminating unlawful discrimination, harassment and victimisation X Project 8: The delivery of Project 8 considers people in Scotland. Whilst it does not directly address unlawful discrimination, the delivery of Project 8 may indirectly help address and mitigate against discrimination, harassment and victimisation of people within this protected characteristic.
X Project 9: The delivery of Project 9 considers people in Scotland. Whilst it does not directly address unlawful discrimination, the delivery of Project 9 may indirectly help address and mitigate against discrimination, harassment and victimisation of people within this protected characteristic.
X Project 10: The delivery of Project 10 considers people in Scotland. Whilst it does not directly address unlawful discrimination, the delivery of Project 10 may indirectly help address and mitigate against discrimination, harassment and victimisation of people within this protected characteristic.
Advancing equality of opportunity X Project 8: The provision of connectivity services in the digital and connectivity landscape should reduce barriers for wider participation, in particular for those who rely on public transportation.
X Project 9: Through the removal of employment barriers for people there is an opportunity for increased access to, and increased awareness of, flexible employment opportunities and reduced working hours.
X Project 10: The delivery of Project 10 is not anticipated to advance equality of opportunity for this protected characteristic. However, it will be important to monitor the impact that targeting certain actions in Project 10 towards particular groups of people might have on advancing equality of opportunity.
Promoting good relations among and between disabled and non-disabled people X Project 8
X Project 9
X Project 10
Do you think that the policy impacts on men and women in different ways?
Sex Positive Negative None Reasons for your decision
Eliminating unlawful discrimination X Project 8: The delivery of Project 8 considers people in Scotland. Whilst it does not directly address unlawful discrimination, the delivery of Project 8 may indirectly help address and mitigate against discrimination, harassment and victimisation of people within this protected characteristic.
X Project 9: The delivery of Project 9 considers people in Scotland. Whilst it does not directly address unlawful discrimination, the delivery of Project 9 may indirectly help address and mitigate against discrimination, harassment and victimisation of people within this protected characteristic.
X Project 10: The delivery of Project 10 considers people in Scotland. Whilst it does not directly address unlawful discrimination, the delivery of Project 10 may indirectly help address and mitigate against discrimination, harassment and victimisation of people within this protected characteristic.
Advancing equality of opportunity X Project 8: The provision of connectivity services in the digital and connectivity landscape should reduce barriers for wider participation, in particular for those who rely on public transportation.
X Project 9: Through the removal of employment barriers for people there is an opportunity for increased access to, and increased awareness of, flexible employment opportunities and reduced working hours.
X Project 10: Community Benefits Frameworks can ensure that commissioning and procurement processes could be used to advance gender equality by measuring gender pay gap, care leave and other indicators of gender equality.
Promoting good relations between men and women X Project 8
X Project 9
X Project 10
Do you think that the policy impacts on women because of pregnancy and maternity?
Pregnancy and Maternity Positive Negative None Reasons for your decision
Eliminating unlawful discrimination X Project 8: The delivery of Project 8 considers people in Scotland. Whilst it does not directly address unlawful discrimination, the delivery of Project 8 may indirectly help address and mitigate against discrimination, harassment and victimisation of people within this protected characteristic.
X Project 9: The delivery of Project 9 considers people in Scotland. Whilst it does not directly address unlawful discrimination, the delivery of Project 9 may indirectly help address and mitigate against discrimination, harassment and victimisation of people within this protected characteristic.
X Project 10: The delivery of Project 10 considers people in Scotland. Whilst it does not directly address unlawful discrimination, the delivery of Project 10 may indirectly help address and mitigate against discrimination, harassment and victimisation of people within this protected characteristic.
Advancing equality of opportunity X Project 8: The provision of connectivity services in the digital and connectivity landscape should reduce barriers for wider participation, in particular for those who rely on public transportation.
X Project 9: Through the removal of employment barriers for people there is an opportunity for increased access to, and increased awareness of, flexible employment opportunities and reduced working hours.
X Project 10: The promotion of the wider Fair Work objectives through Scotland's Community Wealth pilot areas will provide greater accessibility to the job market for those with caring responsibilities.
Promoting good relations X Project 8: It is not anticipated that the delivery of Project 8 will have an impact on promoting good relations among and between people within this group. However, it will be important to monitor the impact that targeting certain actions in Project 8 towards particular groups of people might have on relations.
X Project 9: It is not anticipated that the delivery of Project 9 will have an impact on promoting good relations among and between people within this group. However, it will be important to monitor the impact that targeting certain actions in Project 9 towards particular groups of people might have on relations.
X Project 10: It is not anticipated that the delivery of Project 10 will have an impact on promoting good relations among and between people within this group. However, it will be important to monitor the impact that targeting certain actions in Project 10 towards particular groups of people might have on relations.
Do you think your policy impacts on people proposing to undergo, undergoing, or who have undergone a process for the purpose of reassigning their sex? ( NB: the Equality Act 2010 uses the term 'transsexual people' but 'trans people' is more commonly used)
Gender reassignment Positive Negative None Reasons for your decision
Eliminating unlawful discrimination X Project 8: The delivery of Project 8 considers people in Scotland. Whilst it does not directly address unlawful discrimination, the delivery of Project 8 may indirectly help address and mitigate against discrimination, harassment and victimisation of people within this protected characteristics.
X Project 9: The delivery of Project 9 considers people in Scotland. Whilst it does not directly address unlawful discrimination, the delivery of Project 9 may indirectly help address and mitigate against discrimination, harassment and victimisation of people within this protected characteristics.
X Project 10: The delivery of Project 10 considers people in Scotland. Whilst it does not directly address unlawful discrimination, the delivery of Project 10 may indirectly help address and mitigate against discrimination, harassment and victimisation of people within this protected characteristics.
Advancing equality of opportunity X Project 8: The delivery of Project 8 is not anticipated to advance equality of opportunity for this protected characteristic. However, it will be important to monitor the impact that targeting certain actions in Project 8 towards particular groups of people might have on advancing equality of opportunity.
X Project 9: The delivery of Project 9 is not anticipated to advance equality of opportunity for this protected characteristic. However, it will be important to monitor the impact that targeting certain actions in Project 9 towards particular groups of people might have on advancing equality of opportunity.
X Project 10: The delivery of Project 10 is not anticipated to advance equality of opportunity for this protected characteristic. However, it will be important to monitor the impact that targeting certain actions in Project 10 towards particular groups of people might have on advancing equality of opportunity.
Promoting good relations X Project 8: It is not anticipated that the delivery of Project 8 will have an impact on promoting good relations among and between people within this group. However, it will be important to monitor the impact that targeting certain actions in Project 8 towards particular groups of people might have on relations.
X Project 9 : It is not anticipated that the delivery of Project 9 will have an impact on promoting good relations among and between people within this group. However, it will be important to monitor the impact that targeting certain actions in Project 9 towards particular groups of people might have on relations.
X Project 10: It is not anticipated that the delivery of Project 10 will have an impact on promoting good relations among and between people within this group. However, it will be important to monitor the impact that targeting certain actions in Project 10 towards particular groups of people might have on relations.
Do you think that the policy impacts on people because of their sexual orientation?
Sexual orientation Positive Negative None Reasons for your decision
Eliminating unlawful discrimination X Project 8: The delivery of Project 8 considers people in Scotland. Whilst it does not directly address unlawful discrimination, the delivery of Project 8 may indirectly help address and mitigate against discrimination, harassment and victimisation of people within this protected characteristic.
X Project 9: The delivery of Project 9 considers people in Scotland. Whilst it does not directly address unlawful discrimination, the delivery of Project 9 may indirectly help address and mitigate against discrimination, harassment and victimisation of people within this protected characteristic.
X Project 10: The delivery of Project 10 considers people in Scotland. Whilst it does not directly address unlawful discrimination, the delivery of Project 10 may indirectly help address and mitigate against discrimination, harassment and victimisation of people within this protected characteristic.
Advancing equality of opportunity X Project 8: Due to the increased discrimination and hate crime experienced by LGBTQI+ people, being able to access services online, alongside increased access to social media through provision of devices, will support LGBTQI+ people to stay in contact with each other and their support networks, including mental health groups, and help reduce instances of social isolation and support mental health.
X Project 9: Through the removal employment barriers for people there is an opportunity for increased access to, and increased awareness of, flexible employment opportunities and reduced working hours.
X Project 10: The delivery of Project 10 is not anticipated to advance equality of opportunity for this protected characteristic. However, it will be important to monitor the impact that targeting certain actions in Project 10 towards particular groups of people might have on advancing equality of opportunity.
Promoting good relations X Project 8: It is not anticipated that the delivery of Project 8 will have an impact on promoting good relations among and between people within this group. However, it will be important to monitor the impact that targeting certain actions in Project 8 towards particular groups of people might have on relations.
X Project 9: It is not anticipated that the delivery of Project 9 will have an impact on promoting good relations among and between people within this group. However, it will be important to monitor the impact that targeting certain actions in Project 9 towards particular groups of people might have on relations.
X Project 10: It is not anticipated that the delivery of Project 10 will have an impact on promoting good relations among and between people within this group. However, it will be important to monitor the impact that targeting certain actions in Project 10 towards particular groups of people might have on relations.
Do you think the policy impacts on people on the grounds of their race?
Race Positive Negative None Reasons for your decision
Eliminating unlawful discrimination X Project 8: The delivery of Project 8 considers people in Scotland. Whilst it does not directly address unlawful discrimination, the delivery of Project 8 may indirectly help address and mitigate against discrimination, harassment and victimisation of people within this protected characteristic.
X Project 9: The delivery of Project 9 considers people in Scotland. Whilst it does not directly address unlawful discrimination, the delivery of Project 9 may indirectly help address and mitigate against discrimination, harassment and victimisation of people within this protected characteristic.
X Project 10: The delivery of Project 10 considers people in Scotland. Whilst it does not directly address unlawful discrimination, the delivery of Project 10 may indirectly help address and mitigate against discrimination, harassment and victimisation of people within this protected characteristic.
Advancing equality of opportunity X Project 8: The provision of connectivity services in the digital and connectivity landscape should reduce barriers for wider participation, in particular for those who rely on public transportation.
X Project 9: Through the removal of employment barriers for people there is an opportunity for increased access to, and increased awareness of, flexible employment opportunities and reduced working hours.
X Project 10: Through regional and community growth of assets and their development.
Promoting good race relations X Project 8: It is not anticipated that the delivery of Project 8 will have an impact on promoting good relations among and between people within this group. However, it will be important to monitor the impact that targeting certain actions in Project 8 towards particular groups of people might have on relations.
X Project 9: It is not anticipated that the delivery of Project 9 will have an impact on promoting good relations among and between people within this group. However, it will be important to monitor the impact that targeting certain actions in Project 9 towards particular groups of people might have on relations.
X Project 10: It is not anticipated that the delivery of Project 10 will have an impact on promoting good relations among and between people within this group. However, it will be important to monitor the impact that targeting certain actions in Project 10 towards particular groups of people might have on relations.
Do you think the policy impacts on people because of their religion or belief?
Religion or belief Positive Negative None Reasons for your decision
Eliminating unlawful discrimination X Project 8: The delivery of Project 8 considers people in Scotland. Whilst it does not directly address unlawful discrimination, the delivery of Project 8 may indirectly help address and mitigate against discrimination, harassment and victimisation of people within this protected characteristic.
X Project 9: The delivery of Project 9 considers people in Scotland. Whilst it does not directly address unlawful discrimination, the delivery of Project 9 may indirectly help address and mitigate against discrimination, harassment and victimisation of people within this protected characteristic.
X Project 10: The delivery of Project 10 considers people in Scotland. Whilst it does not directly address unlawful discrimination, the delivery of Project 10 may indirectly help address and mitigate against discrimination, harassment and victimisation of people within this protected characteristic.
Advancing equality of opportunity X Project 8: The delivery of Project 8 is not anticipated to advance equality of opportunity for this protected characteristic. However, it will be important to monitor the impact that targeting certain actions in Project 8 towards particular groups of people might have on advancing equality of opportunity.
X Project 9: The delivery of Project 9 is not anticipated to advance equality of opportunity for this protected characteristic. However, it will be important to monitor the impact that targeting certain actions in Project 9 towards particular groups of people might have on advancing equality of opportunity.
X Project 10: The delivery of Project 10 is not anticipated to advance equality of opportunity for this protected characteristic. However, it will be important to monitor the impact that targeting certain actions in Project 10 towards particular groups of people might have on advancing equality of opportunity.
Promoting good relations X Project 8: It is not anticipated that the delivery of Project 8 will have an impact on promoting good relations among and between people within this group. However, it will be important to monitor the impact that targeting certain actions in Project 8 towards particular groups of people might have on relations.
X Project 9: It is not anticipated that the delivery of Project 9 will have an impact on promoting good relations among and between people within this group. However, it will be important to monitor the impact that targeting certain actions in Project 9 towards particular groups of people might have on relations.
X Project 10: It is not anticipated that the delivery of Project 10 will have an impact on promoting good relations among and between people within this group. However, it will be important to monitor the impact that targeting certain actions in Project 10 towards particular groups of people might have on relations.
Do you think the policy impacts on people because of their marriage or civil partnership?
Marriage and Civil Partnership[7] Positive Negative None Reasons for your decision
Eliminating unlawful discrimination X This has not been considered as part of this EQIA.



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